Other News from Participating Centers

DMRC Visitor Seminar: Dr. Richard Fletcher

Join us at our next DMRC Visitor Seminar, led by visiting fellow, Dr. Richard Fletcher, Director of Research at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, who will be delving into Is the public’s connection with news fraying? Global trends in news use and attitudes.
Date: Friday 12 July, 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm

It's Groundhog Day at the European Commission

For the past two years, the European Commission has been pushing to radically change the internet and telecommunications market in the EU in order to benefit Europe’s largest telecom companies at the expense of innovation, net neutrality, and low broadband prices.

Artificial intelligence during Hajj: How safe is pilgrims’ data?

Muslims’ pilgrimage season (Hajj) was marked by the extensive use of 32 modern technologies by Saudi authorities to facilitate the trip of 1,833,000 pilgrims from 200 countries. Among these were 17 new technologies introduced this year.

Digitaler Humanismus – was er ist und was aus ihm folgt

Wie alle Technologien der Vergangenheit sind auch die digitalen Technologien ambivalent. Die digitale Transformation wird unsere Lebensbedingungen nicht automatisch humanisieren – es kommt darauf an, wie wir diese Technologie nutzen und entwickeln. Der digitale Humanismus plädiert für einen instrumentellen Umgang mit den digitalen Technologien: Was kann wirtschaftlich, gesellschaftlich und kulturell nützlich sein, und wo lauern potenzielle Gefahren?

It’s Groundhog Day at the European Commission


United States

See map: Google Maps

CLIMATE TRIBUNAL The Fossil Fuels Industry on Trial by Paolo Cirio

The Fossil Fuels Industry on Trial
By Paolo Cirio
The Climate Tribunal wants to shift perception regarding climate change by exposing historical, scientific, political-economic, and criminal evidence of how the fossil fuel industry is accountable for having caused climate change.

International Conference on Digital Platform Governance: Building a Global Forum of Networks

Ratna Aini Haidi, a Research Associate at Safer Internet Lab, participated in the UNESCO Digital Platform Governance conference held from June 17-19, 2024, in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This event gathered global stakeholders dedicated to protecting digital freedom of expression and combating disinformation and hate speech.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD): “Jajak Pendapat Pembentukan Dewan Sosial Media di Indonesia”

Beltsazar Krisetya, the Principal Researcher at Safer Internet Lab, participated in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on “The Formation of a Social Media Council in Indonesia,” organized by Kadin Indonesia on June 25, 2024.

Looking back: Disability Law Conference 2024

On June 27, 2024, the annual conference on the rights of people with disabilities took place in the great hall of the University of Basel.

Von Würzburg in die Welt

Was arbeiten Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU)? Um Studierenden verschiedene Perspektiven vorzustellen, befragt Michaela Thiel regelmäßig ausgewählte Ehemalige. Sie ist Geschäftsführerin des zentralen Alumni-Netzwerks „Uni Wü Community".

Will Social Media Companies Ever Stop Platforming Extreme Anti-Trans Hate and Lies?

The Hacking of Culture and the Creation of Socio-Technical Debt

Mechanical Intelligence and Counterfeit Humanity

Die Welt der Bakterien entschlüsseln

Bakterien weisen eine Reihe einzigartiger Eigenschaften auf, die ein beträchtliches Potenzial für die Gesellschaft bergen. Die derzeitigen gentechnischen Methoden zur Nutzung dieser Vorteile sind jedoch auf einen kleinen Teil der Bakterienarten beschränkt. Ein Team des Helmholtz-Instituts für RNA-basierte Infektionsforschung (HIRI)  in Würzburg hat nun einen neuen Ansatz entwickelt, der es ermöglicht, viele weitere Bakterien gentechnisch zu verändern.

The Media Pluralism Report 2024 highlights alarming trends for journalists and editorial independence in Europe

In line with previous years’ findings, this year’s report confirms that no country in Europe is free from risks for media pluralism. While some countries perform satisfactorily in the legal protection of press freedom, overall trends show increasing commercial and political interference.

The tenth implementation of the Media Pluralism Monitor, compiled annually by the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom at the European University Institute, has been published today. 

Meta gives vague, inadequate response to the Oversight Board’s “shaheed” policy recommendations 

Following the Oversight Board’s Policy Advisory Opinion (PAO) on the use of the term “shaheed,” Meta published its response to the Board’s recommendations. While civil society welcomed the OSB’s Policy Advisory Opinion, Meta’s response was inadequate in terms of implementing a roadmap for concrete actions and greater transparency. 

Wikimedia Foundation statement on volunteer processes on reliable sources

For media inquiries, please contact press@wikimedia.org

Data Package version 2.0 is out!

AI_ANXIETY: How to do research on AI without doing research on AI | Workshop in Amsterdam

On Tuesday October 1, 2024 from 10:00 to 16:00, the AHK Culture Club (Amsterdam) in collaboration with the Artificial Worlds Research Group will host AI_ANXIETY, a workshop inviting early career scholars in the humanities and artists to reflect on the institutional politics of AI research.

Solartechnologie: Neuartiges effizientes Lichtsammelsystem

Um Sonnenlicht möglichst gut in elektrischen Strom oder andere Energieformen umwandeln zu können, braucht es als allerersten Schritt ein effizientes Lichtsammelsystem. Dieses sollte im Idealfall panchromatisch sein, also das gesamte Spektrum des sichtbaren Lichts absorbieren.