Other News from Participating Centers

For..Net-Vortrag bei Deutschlandfunk Nova

Auf das Aufkommen von generativer KI wie ChatGPT reagierte die deutsche Hochschullandschaft mehrheitlich mit Diskussionen über Missbrauch der Technologie zwecks Beschaffung unfairer Vorteile in Prüfungssituationen. Als Alternative zu dieser Schwerpunktlegung schlugen die Referierenden vor, das Phänomen generative KI als Anlass zur Reflexion über die veralteten Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen zu nutzen.

Gouvernance numérique et souveraineté dans un monde fracturé : États concurrents et circulation des normes (DIGISOV) 

How is South Lebanon coping with limited internet and communications amid Israeli bombing?

After over seven months of Israeli bombardment in South Lebanon, Caretaker Minister of Communications Johnny Corm finally mandated cellular companies Alfa and Touch to provide free 20-GB internet packages for students in southern towns switching to remote learning.

薛虹出席UNCITRAL ETRML与电子提单发展会议

2024年5月31日,由联合国国际贸易法委员会(UNCITRAL)、商务部主办、大连海事大学承办的《联合国贸法会电子可转让记录示范法》与电子提单法律发展会议在大连海事大学隆重举行。联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书长Anna Joubin-Bret女士线上致辞,联合国国际贸易法委员会秘书处代表、电子可转让单证立法专家Luca Castellani莅临海大进行主旨演讲。本次研讨会的演讲嘉宾汇集来自国内外的著名专家,包括航运企业代表、银行金融机构代表、海事律师代表以及中外高校学者等。


Jetzt für ein Stipendium bewerben

Gute Noten und gesellschaftliches Engagement: Das sind die wesentlichen Voraussetzungen, die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber um ein Deutschlandstipendium erfüllen sollten.

Jordanian authorities crack down on online speech during the war on Gaza, illegally arrest detainees’ family members 

Renewed and widespread controversy has erupted in Jordan over how to balance protecting people’s security with guaranteeing their right to free expression. 

This has become especially relevant after the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 2023 and the protests that erupted in Jordan in response. Jordanian authorities have used the Cybercrime Law to suppress citizens’ freedom of expression and launched a large-scale arrest campaign targeting political activists.

Data localization as contested and narrated security in the age of digital sovereignty: the case of Switzerland

Samuele Fratini, Francesca Musiani, Information, Communication & Society, 2024.
L’article Data localization as contested and narrated security in the age of digital sovereignty: the case of Switzerland est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

6 reasons why Data matters for AI

If you work in the world of digital tech, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been on your mind for quite a while. And even if you don’t work in the digital tech world, we know you have been hearing a lot about AI recently.

Still, in the last two years, policy initiatives, political attention, investments, and products and services across sectors, from health to agriculture, have been booming with both excitement and fear around AI developments. While more nuance to this discussion would be beneficial, all the attention leads to much-needed policy and technical work in AI.

Open Data Editor: The tormented journey of an app

Csv,conf – the best community conference for data makers was back for its version 8 at the end of May in Puebla, Mexico. I am very lucky to be one of the conference co-organisers since its version 7, but this year I was also a speaker, giving a talk about Open Data Editor (ODE), the application we are developing at Open Knowledge Foundation.

Restricting sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in Egypt sparks wave of misinformation 

“I thought I knew a lot about sexual education and that I was immune to ignorance,” said Sarah Mahmoud. “I didn’t realize how much false and misleading information I had taken in. It really affected my marriage.” 

Sarah, a young Egyptian woman, explained to SMEX the consequences of social media’s misleading information about sexual practices.

Are there any humans left on the internet?

Seiji Isotani elected president of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society

Anastasia Siapka on the DigiSoc Podcast

Article on the protection of legitimate expectations in the event of incorrect information from public administrations via chatbots

In this scientific article on iusNet, Nadja Braun Binder, Liliane Obrecht and Grace Wittmer analyse the use of chatbots in public administrations and the protection of legitimate expectations if they provide incorrect information. The full text of the article is available here (German only). 

MANOLO: A new Horizon Europe project kicked off!

Vacancy: Research Associate(s) (100% - senior/junior) - technology and law

Afternoon webinar: Developments in crypto-assets and beyond

Jozefien Vanherpe over patent op Biscoff speculooskoekje

AI4Media event: "EU vision for media policy in the era of AI" - 19 June 2024

Elora Fernandes PhD defense - 27 February 2024