Other News from Participating Centers

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Open positions: Postdoctoral Researcher and Short-Term Visiting Researchers

Open positions: Postdoctoral Researcher and Short-Term Visiting Researchers

DMRC Workshop: How to apply for grants in 2025

Are you looking to boost your success in securing research funding? Join us for the DMRC ‘ How to Apply for Grants in 2025 ‘ workshop.

Shearing the Sheep Without Skinning It – Policy Options for Extracting Revenue from Online Platforms

Developed by the UCLA Institute for Technology, Law & Policy
By Alessia Zornetta and Thomas Ash

Conférence à venir : « De l’Occident triomphant à la gestion d’un monde multipolaire » (14 novembre 2024)

Le Centre de recherche en droit public a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence De l’Occident triomphant à la gestion d’un monde multipolaire de M. Jean de Gliniasty

Informations pratiques

Peran Turnamen Slot Online dalam Meningkatkan Adrenalin Bermain

Bagaimana Turnamen Slot Meningkatkan Adrenalin Pemain

Pflanzliche Schließzellen können Umweltreize zählen

Pflanzen steuern ihren Wasserverbrauch über regulierbare Poren (Stomata), die aus Paaren von Schließzellen geformt werden. Bei ausreichender Wasserversorgung und genug Licht für die Kohlendioxid-Fixierung durch Photosynthese öffnen sie ihre Stomata. Im Dunkeln und bei Wassermangel dagegen leiten sie das Schließen der Poren ein.
Für die Regulation der Stomata sind Anionenkanäle vom SLAC/SLAH-Typ in den Schließzellen von zentraler Bedeutung. Das hat die Gruppe von Professor Rainer Hedrich, Biophysiker an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg, gezeigt.

Charlotte Somers on TikTok’s AI-driven content moderation

Mathematics presents itself at the BeSt in Klagenfurt

We presented our mathematics degree program at the large careers and education fair, BeSt for short, in the exhibition hall in Klagenfurt.

Visitors were particularly fascinated by the double pendulum, but there was also a lot of information about the variety of mathematical applications, the different professional fields and what is actually so different about mathematics at university than at school.
We hope to see many of those we were able to advise in the lecture hall at AAU soon!

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Cara Kerja Slot Online dan Slot Konvensional

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Mengapa RTP Menjadi Faktor Kunci?

Cybersecurity and the Role of Information Technology in Fostering a Culture of Peace in ASEAN

On July 11-12, 2024, our principal researcher, Beltsazar Krisetya, facilitated a session at the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Cybersecurity and the Role of Information Technology in Fostering a Culture of Peace in ASEAN, alongside discussant Whisnu Tribowo.

La caverne de la vision carrée et l’irresponsabilité pénale des personnes morales à Rome

Le CRDP, dans le cadre des Midis-conférences des jeunes chercheur.e.s, vous présente la conférence « La caverne de la vision carrée et l’irresponsabilité pénale des personnes morales à Rome » qui sera animée par Moussa Coulibaly.
Date : 15 janvier 2025
Heure : 12H – 13H
Lieu : En ligne (zoom)