Other News from Participating Centers

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

Open positions: Postdoctoral Researcher and Short-Term Visiting Researchers

Open positions: Postdoctoral Researcher and Short-Term Visiting Researchers

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Conférence à venir : « The Return of the South: Myths, Realities, and their Military Implications » (4 décembre 2024)

Le Centre de recherche en droit public a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence The Return of the South: Myths, Realities, and their Military Implications de M. Renaud Lambert et M. Martin Hart-Landsberg

Informations pratiques

5 Slot Online dengan Tema Luar Angkasa yang Patut Dicoba

5 Slot Luar Angkasa yang Harus Dimainkan

Digital Rights During the War on Lebanon: November 1, 2024

Beirut, November 1, 2024 | In yet another wave of terror, strange and threatening messages and communications by the Israeli occupation have been circulating among people in Lebanon. Here, we share with you the latest news about digital rights in Lebanon and tips from our Digital Safety Helpdesk on how to stay safe.

Why online public discourse needs a media privilege: in defence of Article 18 of the EMFA

By Matteo Monti, Postdoctoral Researcher, Bocconi University

Introduction: the advent of social media and the EU attempt to defend the public discourse

Understanding the Role of Actors and Risks of Misinformation in Indonesia

Mengarungi Lanskap Operasi Pemengaruh (Influence Operations) di Indonesia Selama Pemilu 2024

Menuju Pendekatan Kolaboratif Mengatasi Influence Operations di Indonesia

Apa Itu RNG dan Pengaruhnya di Slot Online?

Cara Kerja RNG di Permainan Slot

Experience Chinese language & culture at the China Day at the University of Klagenfurt

AdobeStock/aphotostoryGet to know the language and rich culture of China at the China Day on 6 November 2024 on the campus of the University of Klagenfurt: From 11 am to 2.30 pm, you can find out about the Chinese language courses offered and try out traditional Chinese arts and crafts!

Ágnes Básthy: Crisis? What Crisis? Taking a Suspicious Walk around a Fashionable Notion

(Text of the speech by Ágnes Básthy on the first day of Metaforum X, Budapest, October 25, 2024)

Von Würzburg in die Welt

Was arbeiten Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg? Um den Studierenden verschiedene Perspektiven vorzustellen, befragen Michaela Thiel und ihr Team vom zentralen Alumni-Netzwerk „Uni Wü Community“ regelmäßig ausgewählte Ehemalige.
Heute steht Simone Schodorf im Mittelpunkt. Sie hat an der Uni Würzburg den Abschluss Master of Business Administration gemacht. Jetzt arbeitet sie als Referentin der Geschäftsführung beim Würzburger Start-up WeSort.AI, das vor Kurzem in Berlin mit dem Deutschen Gründerpreis 2024 ausgezeichnet wurde.