Other News from Participating Centers

How journalists can protect their privacy: legal and technical recommendations 

A journalist in Lebanon was recently forced to hand her phone, password, messaging content, and information sources to the Information Department of the Public Prosecution Office at the Court of Cassation, sparking concerns over the deterioration of press freedom and the violation of privacy in the country.

The journalist denied any connection to the subject and refrained from commenting after SMEX contacted her. The lack of sufficient information about the case allowed media outlets to make assumptions and give unreliable information. 

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Betriebsausflug der Zentralverwaltung

Während des Betriebsausflugs ist die Uni-Zentralverwaltung am Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2024, nur eingeschränkt verfügbar.

Algorithmic Transparency under Karnataka’s Gig Workers’ Bill

This post is authored by Shobhit S. On June 29, 2024, the Karnataka government published The Karnataka Platform based Gig Workers (Social Security and Welfare) Bill, 2024, a draft law to protect the rights of platform-based gig workers. The Bill is expected to culminate into the second state-level framework, after Rajasthan enacted a similar law […]

'Double Header' DMRC Visitor Seminar: Henri Mütschele & Vinicius Suzigan Ferraz

Join us for a DMRC Visitor Seminar ‘double header’ with visiting fellows, Henri Mütschele from the Centre of Advanced Internet Studies, Bochum, Germany & Vinicius Suzigan Ferraz, from Sao Paulo State University (UNESP).

Conférence à venir : La numérisation des tribunaux aux Pays-Bas : comment les technologies de l’information peuvent soutenir la réforme judiciaire (conférence en anglais)

Le CRDP a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence La numérisation des tribunaux aux Pays-Bas : comment les technologies de l’information peuvent soutenir la réforme judiciaire (conférence en anglais) de Mme Dory Reiling.

Informations pratiques

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Exam shutdowns in Syria: financial and human losses 

Despite a global trend towards improving the speed, quality, and availability of internet services, Syria still disrupts access to the internet and communications during the country’s official exams.

Reham, who was in Syria and fell ill during the exams period, could not call an ambulance or a friend due to internet shutdowns. 

“I woke up all alone, knocked out from the severity of the pain.” 

Women Journalists Face Increased Online Violence

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Surfing the web for effective content regulation in Southeast Asia

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MetaForumX: PermaCrises – Budapest, October 24-26, 2024

Call for Participation
Embracing the legacy of the three MetaForum conferences (1994-96), MFX continues to highlight the urgent issues of the times with a reflection on contemporary crisis surfing. The theme of PermaCrises examines the persistent breakdown of our political, societal and cultural systems, capturing the extremity of this situation through its continuality and pervasiveness.

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SAIL is Going to APrIGF 2024!

We are excited to announce that our session, “Charting the Path for a Regional Fact-Checking Coalition in the Asia-Pacific,” has been accepted for APrIGF 2024! Join us on August 21, 2024, from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM (local time) at the NTUH International Convention Center in Taipei City. The event will be conducted in a hybrid format, allowing for both in-person and virtual participation.

Massive IT outage spotlights major vulnerabilities in the global information ecosystem

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Navigating platform power: From European elections to the regulatory future

Looking back at the European elections in June 2024, this blog post takes stock of the Digital Services Act’s effect in terms of navigating platform power.
The post Navigating platform power: From European elections to the regulatory future appeared first on HIIG.

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