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Aktualne nabory w ramach Funduszy Europejskich dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki. Wsparcie dla MŚP i instytucji badawczych

Fundusze Europejskie dla Nowoczesnej Gospodarki 2021-2027 (FENG) to program, który wspiera projekty realizowane w obszarze badań i innowacji. Poniżej przedstawiamy szczegółowe opisy naborów, które są obecnie prowadzone w ramach programu i oferują dofinansowanie dla przedsiębiorców, badaczy i innowatorów.

There’s no one following me around the supermarket

In the public debate about personalisation there are many misconceptions. The SID project studies user perceptions to develop new approaches.
The post There’s no one following me around the supermarket appeared first on HIIG.

Winning voters’ hearts and minds… through reels and memes?! How #GE24 unfolded on TikTok

DMRC Chief investigator and Senior Lecturer in the School of Communication of Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Dr Aljosha Karim Schapals highlights how political parties have harnessed TikTok’s power, creating viral content that captures the youth vote in the 2024 UK General Election. Labour’s 8-second clips, such as “POV: Rishi Sunak’s searches,” have garnered millions of views.

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Media Release: Social media inquiry deeply flawed: QUT researchers flag concerns

The QUT Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC), a global leader in the study of social media, communication, and media industries, has made a submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society expressing concern over its direction.

DMRC's Prof. Axel Bruns highlights what will happen if Meta bans news in Australia

If Meta bans news in Australia, what will happen? Canada’s experience is telling
Article by DMRC Chief Investigator, Prof. Axel Bruns

Not all AI Models should be Freely Available, Argues a Legal Scholar

AI Has a Revolutionary Ability to Parse Details. What Does That Mean for Business?

Lebanese authorities punish and humiliate Google reviewers

To document his bad experience at a dental clinic, Adel (a pseudonym) posted a review on Google. Despite adhering to the platform’s rules on honesty and defamation, Adel was summoned to a judicial police station for “slander and defamation.”

Adel thought he was going to the station to give a statement and was willing to remove his review “to avoid wasting his time.” However, he was shocked by the humiliating treatment he received. He faced psychological pressure for hours without a chance to explain why he left a negative review in the first place.

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Media Release: Report shines spotlight on Gold Coast screen production growth

A QUT-led report reveals the Gold Coast has become the centre for local film and television in South East Queensland and has strengthened its position as a leading destination for inbound international productions filming in Australia since the outbreak of COVID.

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Beyond numbers: What does the “World Press Freedom Index” really indicate?

The 2024 “World Press Freedom Index” (WPF Index), issued by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on World Press Freedom Day on May 3, 2024, confirmed that political authorities threaten rather than protect the freedom of the press. 

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Wikimedia Foundation calls on US Supreme Court to strike laws that threaten Wikipedia

Update: On 1 July 2024, the US Supreme Court sent back to lower courts the Texas and Florida laws that aimed to limit social media platforms’ ability to moderate content. The scope of these laws is unclear and, if enforced, they could endanger Wikipedia’s volunteer-led content moderation model and the freedom of expression of volunteer editors. The Wikimedia Foundation is encouraged that the Supreme Court did not uphold these laws, and recognized that regulations targeting large, commercially-run web platforms can also impact other online spaces such as Wikipedia.

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Wenig Vertrauen in Dr. ChatGPT

Früher haben die Menschen Dr. Google befragt, wenn sie wissen wollten, ob ihre Symptome für eine leichte Magenverstimmung sprechen oder doch für Krebs im Endstadium; heute wenden sich dafür zunehmend an ChatGPT. Mit der Folge, dass niedergelassene Mediziner sich über Patientinnen und Patienten beschweren, die mit fertigen Diagnosen aus dem Internet in die Sprechzimmer kommen und sich nur mit Mühe davon überzeugen lassen, dass sie nicht schwer erkrankt sind.

Conférence à venir : La justice à l’épreuve de l’IA. Lorsque l’intelligence artificielle casse les codes.

Le Centre de recherche en droit public a le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence « La justice à l’épreuve de l’IA. Lorsque l’intelligence artificielle casse les codes » de Me Christiane Féral-Schuhl.

Informations pratiques

Governance of National Digital Transformation: Cultivating Resilience Amidst Changing Political Environments

Digital transformation: a critical enabler