Other News from Participating Centers

Sustainable trucks for long-haul transportation

Barosanu/Adobestock (KI generated)How can you sustainably schedule and deploy a fleet of long-haul trucks that often cross entire continents? A research team at the Department of Operations, Energy and Environmental Management at the University of Klagenfurt is investigating this question. Preliminary findings are now available in the form of a mathematical model. Next, the results will be applied to the complex requirements on the road.

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einBLICK: Nachrichten aus der JMU

Sinnliche Sanftmut: Neue Tiepolo-Gemälde im Martin von Wagner Museum – Weinlesung: Universität kooperiert mit Staatlichem Hofkeller für neuen Uni-Wein – Pflegewissenschaft: Melanie Messer leitet den neu eingerichteten Lehrstuhl

Starlink in Sudan: A Thriving Black Market During Times of War

In times of war, areas of military conflict transform into zones that threaten the lives of residents, but it does not end there. In Sudan, the warring factions deliberately worsen the living situation by cutting off internet and communications. 

Full Program of Metaforum X – Permacrises, October 24-26, 2024, Budapest

Editorial Team: Flóra Barkóczi, Geert Lovink, Áron Lődi, Diana McCarty, Zsolt Miklósvölgyi and János Sugár.
Embracing the legacy of the three MetaForum conferences (1994-96), MFX continues to highlight the urgent issues of the times with a reflection on contemporary crisis surfing. The theme of PermaCrises examines the persistent breakdown of our political, societal and cultural systems, capturing the extremity of this situation through its continuality and pervasiveness.

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Latest research: EMFA under the spotlight

The Special Issue “EMFA Under the Spotlight: Towards a Common Regulatory Framework to Foster Media Pluralism?” is now available

Welcome to Data Spaces Support Centre (DSSC) colleagues at CiTiP

L’arrestation de Pavel Durov marque-t-elle un tournant dans les pratiques de modération de Telegram ? Tour d’horizon du cadre juridique applicable


JMU: Kein Ort für Antisemitismus

Zum Start der Vorlesungen im aktuellen Wintersemester hat die Organisation „Students for Palestine Würzburg“ eine mehrtägige Protestversammlung in räumlicher Nähe zur Universität angekündigt. Die Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) möchte hiermit klarstellen, dass die Veranstaltung in keinem Verhältnis zu ihr steht: Die JMU ist weder Veranstalterin oder Organisatorin dieser Aktion, noch unterstützt sie diese.
Sicherheit und Gewaltfreiheit auf dem Campus

Dr. Sofie Royer on facial recognition and illegal dumping

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Deal Value Threshold and M&A

Metaverse risks and harms among US youth

Sign the BAN X in EUROPE Petition and Join the Campaign

Europeans must unite against Elon Musk’s influence. If you are in the EU or a supporter of its values, we urge you to sign this petition to ban his platform X.
Please sign the petition on change.org here. Your name and data will not be published. More info and updates on the campaign website.

On Artificial Stupidity and Evil Resistance

By now, everyone knows that the normally smooth functioning world of information and communication is not to be trusted or taken for granted. Designers and researchers devise methods, protocols, checks and regulations to somehow ward off the inherent possibility of technology-enhanced evil. An entire industry of design ethics and (digital) security has emerged that not only tries to eliminate malicious intrusions and hacks but also considers, for example, the necessary resources, energy consumption, or complex distribution channels involved.

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The Tech We Want Summit: Full Programme Announcement

The Tech We Want Summit is just around the corner. Today we are announcing the full programme for day one, Thursday 17 October, featuring 28 speakers from all around the world across 5 panels and 2 keynotes.

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JMU erfolgreich im THE Ranking

Die gerade erschiene Ausgabe des renommierten THE World University Ranking vergleicht 2.092 Universitäten aus 115 Ländern und Regionen. Gegenüber dem Vorjahr konnte die Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) sich erneut verbessern. Im weltweiten Vergleich liegt sie nun auf Rang 163 und verbessert sich somit um zwölf Plätze. Platz 16 in Deutschland bedeutet ebenfalls eine Verbesserung um einen Platz. In Bayern liegt sie unverändert auf Rang 3 – hinter den beiden Münchner Universitäten.
In der Forschungsqualität bayernweit auf Platz 1