Other News from Participating Centers

Ribozym durchleuchtet: Erfolg für Würzburger RNA-Forschung

RNA-Moleküle sind aus unserem Körper nicht wegzudenken: In den Zellen sorgen sie für die Weitergabe von Erbinformation und regulieren die Aktivität von Genen. Einige von ihnen wirken sogar katalytisch und lassen chemische Reaktionen ablaufen, die ansonsten gar nicht oder nur sehr langsam vonstattengingen. Enzyme, die aus RNA bestehen, heißen „Ribozyme“.

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Vacancy: PhD Candidate Generative AI in the Media

The overall goal of this project is to study the role and implications that the new regulatory framework has in realising public values and influencing the power dynamics and legal relationships in the context of the development and use of generative AI models and systems in the media context, with a focus on AI-generated illegal and harmful content.
The post Vacancy: PhD Candidate Generative AI in the Media appeared first on IVIR.

10.2.2025 Hypertextes #26 Payal Arora

From Pessimism to Promise. Lessons from the Global South on Designing Inclusive Tech, 10 fév. 2025, 17h à 18h.
L’article 10.2.2025 Hypertextes #26 Payal Arora est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

More than 6% of child worldwide experiences forced sexual intercourse: Large-scale meta-analysis shows prevalence of sexual violence against children

© aau/Tischler-Banfield165 studies with data from around 960,000 children from 80 countries were analysed by a research team including Antonio Piolanti and Heather Foran (Department of Health Psychology, Global Mental Health & Health Psychology Research Group at the University of Klagenfurt). The study was published on 13 January in the highly renowned journal JAMA Pediatrics.  

einBLICK: Nachrichten aus der JMU

Studierende lassen Experi­ment mit Höhen­forschungs­ballon steigen - Preis für Informatikerin Borrmann - JMU für Gleich­stellung ausgezeichnet - Programm für ausländische Gäste - Liturgie der Zukunft

Open Americas Conference Side Event on Sandboxes

The speed and scale of artificial intelligence evolution are transforming societies and economies globally. As these rapid changes challenge traditional regulatory frameworks, innovative solutions like sandboxes are emerging as essential tools to foster experimentation while maintaining safety and accountability.

Sandboxes are controlled environments where new technologies and regulatory frameworks can be tested safely. These spaces allow for experimentation and learning without the full risk of deployment, ensuring both technological advancement and regulatory compliance.

Appel à communications – Cycle de conférences : Innovations en droit : Les jeunes chercheur·e·s et les technologies immersives

Cher(e)s jeunes chercheur(e)s,
Le Laboratoire de cyberjustice a le plaisir de vous inviter à soumettre vos propositions de communications en vue d’un cycle de conférences de jeunes chercheur·e·s qui débutera au mois de mars 2025. Ce cycle de conférences s’inscrit dans le cadre de la programmation scientifique du Laboratoire de cyberjustice.
Ce cycle de conférences vise à promouvoir les travaux de recherche des jeunes chercheur·e·s en droit, portant sur la réalité virtuelle ou augmentée.

Slot Online dengan Tema Kartun Anak-Anak

Artikel Slot Online dengan Tema Kartun Anak-Anak pertama kali tampil pada awii.org.

Uni-Satellit fotografiert Brände in Los Angeles

SONATE-2, der Kleinsatellit der Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) Würzburg, hat ein beeindruckendes Bild von der Erde aufgenommen: Es zeigt die anhaltenden Waldbrände im Großraum Los Angeles (USA). Deutlich sichtbare Rauchschwaden treiben westwärts über den Pazifischen Ozean und verdeutlichen den Ernst der Situation. Das Bild stammt vom 9. Januar 2025.

Grounding Media Freedom in the EU: The Legal Basis of the EMFA

By Erik Longo, Professor at the University of Florence

This blog post discusses the legal basis chosen for the European Media Freedom Act and its implications for EU media regulation. It investigates the challenges associated with Article 114 TFEU, including concerns about expanding EU competencies in media policy. Lastly, it explores how the EMFA reflects broader shifts in EU regulatory frameworks and underscores the critical role of safeguarding media freedom and democracy in the digital age.

Slot Online yang Cocok untuk Pemula: Pilihan Terbaik

Slot Online Terbaik untuk Pemula: Rekomendasi Teratas