Google’s DNS Ban in Iraq Restricts Internet Freedom
This article was prepared in collaboration with the Iraqi Network for Social Media (INSM).
The Iraqi government, through the Telecommunications and Post Company (ITPC), plans to block Google’s Domain Name System (DNS) servers ( in the country.
How much do we support Australian-made cinema? Maybe we should take a lesson from French cinema
DMRC researchers, Dr. Ruari Elkington and Dr. Tess Van Hemert, have been investigating Australian cinemagoers’ habits and their engagement with local films. Their research highlights a significant disparity between Australian and French cinema success, with Australian films capturing only two per cent of the local box office in 2023.
‘Dark ads’ challenge truth and our democracy
Political inaction and big-tech’s reluctance to protect users leave Australians vulnerable to a murky world of digital misinformation going into the election.
The rise of ‘dark advertising’ — personalised advertisements increasingly powered by artificial intelligence that evade public scrutiny — means Australians face a murky information landscape going into the federal election.
Academic Freedom in a Plural World | Roundtable
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à la table ronde Academic Freedom in a Plural World. La table ronde aura lieu en anglais.
Date : 20 mars 2025
Heure : 14h30-16h
Lieu : Salon François-Chevrette (A3464), Faculté de droit, UdeM + ZOOM
Bagaimana Cara Menghitung Skor dalam Turnamen Slot?
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Skor Slot
DMRC celebrates Townsville’s Creative Underground: A New Photobook Showcasing Community, Innovation, and Collaboration
The DMRC is proud to announce the publication of a vibrant photobook celebrating Townsville’s Creative Underground – a diverse collective of everyday people who play, create, innovate, and socialise in their own time, at their own pace. The book also showcases the places, people, and organisations who support this creative community.
Public voter lists risk more data breaches in Lebanon
Lebanon’s Directorate General of Civil Status (DGCS) has initiated a campaign encouraging voters to confirm their personal information on online voter lists by March 1, 2025.
Living in the Post-Ironic Wasteland: SwagNotes on Love, Hope and Sincerity
I remember recently finding Britney Spears resurged Instagram page and feeling like I wanted to cry. It was around 2022, Britney was getting towards the end of the conservatorship, and the liberty that came with it seemed to be reflected in her newfound unhinged style of posting. On her feed, I found AI slop, dance videos from strange angles and stripping videos with tiny monkey emojis barely keeping her from getting censored.
Fay Carathanassis bei BR24 über die rechtlichen Möglichkeiten zur Desinformations-Bekämpfung
Die Verbreitung von Desinformation im Internet, insbesondere durch KI-generierte Inhalte, stellt eine zunehmende Herausforderung dar. Gerade auch im Zuge der Bundestagswahl haben russische Kampagnen massenhaft KI-generierte Propaganda und Desinformation auf sozialen Netzwerken verbreitet. Die Urheber verstecken sich dabei oft in einem undurchsichtigen Netzwerk, was es schwierig macht, sie zur Verantwortung zu ziehen und die Inhalte nachhaltig zu entfernen.
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aau_ub/ouschanDemocratic algorithms: ethnography of a public recommender system
Nikolaus Poechhacker
Neuer Würzburger UniWein: Wissenschaft trifft Weinkultur
Mit dem „UniWein 2024“ startet eine jährlich erscheinende limitierte Sammler-Edition. Den Auftakt macht ein Silvaner, der durch seinen aromatischen und modernen Ausbau besticht. Jede Edition zeigt auf ihrem Etikett ein bedeutendes Bauwerk der Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) und würdigt so deren architektonische Geschichte und Verwurzelung in der Stadt Würzburg. Das Motiv des UniWeins 2024 zeigt die historische Alte Universität und die Neubaukirche.
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