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Nachweis eines neuen Phänomens: Quanten-Tornados im Impulsraum

Elektronen können in einem Quantenmaterial Wirbel ausbilden. Das allein ist nicht neu. Dass die kleinen Teilchen sich allerdings im Impulsraum zu einem Tornado formieren, wurde erst jetzt experimentell bewiesen. Dieser Erfolg gelang einem internationalen Forschungsteam um Dr. Maximilian Ünzelmann, Gruppenleiter am Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter der Universitäten Würzburg und Dresden. Mit dem Nachweis dieses Quantenphänomens wurde ein neuer Meilenstein in der Erforschung von Quantenmaterialien erreicht.

Panel discussion & book launch event : “Untangling the EU Artificial Intelligence Act: Implementation & enforcement progress report”

FWO-podcast met dr. Christof Koolen over de duistere kant van slimme apparaten

Lebanon: Unknown sources sending mysterious surveys to people affected by the war

During the recent Israeli war on Lebanon, displaced individuals were sent mysterious surveys. Many of these questionnaires had no discernable sender or origin. Most alarmingly, the Lebanese authorities have yet to address this phenomenon, apart from a brief directive issued by the Council of Ministers.

Le leadership normatif de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé : une analyse quantitative (rapport)

Le CRDP est ravi d’annoncer la publication du rapport « Le leadership normatif de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé : une analyse quantitative ». Les autrices et auteurs de ce rapport sont Catherine Régis, Gaëlle Foucault, Julie Nicolas, Miriam Cohen, Jean-Louis Denis et Pierre Larouche.

Appel à textes : Accès à la justice dans les Amériques Volume II

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How sandboxes can support both regulatory and technical innovation in Africa.

At the East Africa Data Governance Conference 2025, the Datasphere Initiative hosted a lively and thought-provoking discussion on how sandboxes can foster both regulatory and technical innovation in Africa. Moderated by Diana Sang (Africa Director, Digital Impact Alliance), the panel featured insights from Karen Bett (Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data), Morine Amutorine (Datasphere Initiative), and Dr. Japheth Odhiambo (Communications Authority of Kenya).

Are Sandboxes a new concept in Africa?

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Vers un cadre pour vérifier l’objectivité de la prise de décision judiciaire

Dans le cadre des Midis-conférences des jeunes chercheur.e.s du CRDP, nous vous présentons la conférence « Vers un cadre pour vérifier l’objectivité de la prise de décision judiciaire » qui sera animée par Sami Haderbache.

L’ultime test? La justice internationale pénale à l’épreuve de Gaza | Conférence Katia-Boustany – SQDI

Le CRDP est ravi de vous inviter à la conférence « L’ultime test? La justice internationale pénale à l’épreuve de Gaza », organisée par la Société québécoise de droit international (SQDI) et la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les droits humains et la justice réparatrice internationale, qui sera animée par la professeure Fannie Lafontaine (Université Laval).

AI at the microphone: The voice of the future?

From synthesising voices and generating entire episodes, AI is transforming digital audio. Explore the opportunities and challenges of AI at the microphone.
The post AI at the microphone: The voice of the future? appeared first on HIIG.

Women* in Science: the Matilda Effect

What is the connection between nuclear fission and Matilda?
Whether in science, art or other fields: Compared to men, the work of women* is more often ignored, denied recognition or otherwise made invisible. The Matilda effect describes this systematic underestimation or non-recognition of women’s scientific achievements.

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Advancing Global AI Governance: Insights from the AI Action Summit Side Event

On February 11, 2025, The Datasphere Initiative hosted a key side event at the AI Action Summit in Paris, titled “Advancing Global AI Governance: Exploring Adaptive Frameworks and the Role of Sandboxes.” The event brought together thought leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss how adaptive governance frameworks and AI sandboxes can guide the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) while ensuring accountability and ethical responsibility.

The Urgency of Adaptive Governance Frameworks

Syria’s Telecom Sector: Between Neglect and Reconstruction

Residents in Syria are still awaiting the transitional government to take tangible steps towards remedying and reconstructing a devastated telecommunications sector. Political work remains the new government’s priorities, but what about services to the millions in need of robust access to the internet, affordable prices, and signal coverage in rural regions? 

Quel avenir pour les réseaux sociaux ?

Rencontre organisée par le médialab de Sciences Po et le Centre Internet et Société du CNRS, 19 mars 2025, 19h à 21h, Sciences Po Paris.
L’article Quel avenir pour les réseaux sociaux ? est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Integrating the circular economy into existing economic models

ipopba/AdobestockThe circular economy concept aims to use resources sustainably as a way to reduce harm to the environment. Although the notion of the circular economy is well established and frequently invoked in political discourse, its true economic significance and precise definition remain unclear above and beyond the familiar, often superficial statements.

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