Other News from Participating Centers

The Journalists’ ‘Privilege Paradox’

By Aishvarya Rajesh and Nadia Shalin (Aishvarya is a 5th year law student and Nadia is a 4th year law student at NLU Delhi) Introduction Jurisprudence on the right to freedom of speech and expression enshrined under Article 19 of the ICCPR (and GC-34) recognises the importance of the ‘public watchdog’ function performed by journalists. […]

Acquisition of the COST Action BlueRights

We would like to congratulate Prof. Anna Petrig on winning the COST Action BlueRights. COST is a highly competitive EU funding program - the success rate for this year's call for proposals was just 11.5%. COST promotes the networking of academic research activities in Europe.The BlueRights project concerns the emerging legal field of human rights at sea.

Lauréna Kamseu reçoit un financement du FRQ

Lauréna Kamseu, gagnante de la bourse CRDP dans le cadre de la dernière édition des Nuits de la Justice, vient d’obtenir un financement de 3500$ des FRQ, dans le cadre de l’appel à projet

Voices, the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy, travels to Zagreb in 2025

The highly-anticipated second edition of Voices will be hosted at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb on 28 February-1 March 2025. Over two days, the festival will lead conversations about how journalism is changing in the digital age and help people understand these changes.

How to cook up a storm with successful effective and ethical data sharing

Recognizing the lack of practical tools and accessible knowledge resources to enable data sharing for development, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data brought partners together to create a cookbook for Effective and Ethical Data Sharing at Scale.

Generation Angst: Machen soziale Medien die Jugend psychisch krank?

Haben die sozialen Medien zu einem massiven Anstieg psychischer Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen geführt? Der US-amerikanische Psychologe Jonathan Haidt vertritt diese These in seinem Buch „The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness“.

DELab UW Centrum Doskonałości

DMRC heavily represented at leading international communication conference

Thirty-two QUT Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) staff and student members are among thousands of communication scholars presenting at the annual International Communication Association (ICA) conference.
The ICA is the leading academic association for scholars in communication with over 5,000 members, and its annual conference attracts attendees from all over the globe.
QUT is the major platinum sponsor of the conference being held at the Gold Coast from 20 – 24 June 2024.

IViR at CPDP 2024

On 22-24 May 2024 the 17th international CPDP conference was held in Brussels.
Several of our researchers attended this conference and IViR researchers also moderated a few of the panels.
The post IViR at CPDP 2024 appeared first on IVIR.

Würzburgs Antikenschätze in Gefahr: Museum startet Spendenaufruf

Es ist ein Szenario, das kein Museumsleiter erleben möchte: Ein Sammlerpaar hat seinem Museum über viele Jahrzehnte hinweg immer wieder kostbare Stücke als Dauerleihgaben zur Verfügung gestellt. Jetzt – nach dem Tod der beiden – meldet sich ein Nachkomme und verlangt die Objekte zurück. Er möchte sein Erbe zu Geld machen; dem Museum räumt er großzügig ein Vorkaufsrecht ein.

Teste DTI 1

Teste DTI 1
Seg, 10/06/2024 - 17:22

Teste DTI 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Varius quam quisque id diam vel quam. Et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus mus mauris.


Qui, 10/10/2024 - 12:00


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Ano da turma

Correlates of Beliefs in Misinformation

À «l’école de l’abandon» : droits et bris de droits des élèves HDAA en situation de déscolarisation | Colloque

Loneliness and Screens: Causes and Consequences

#KeepItOn: Syria must end internet shutdowns during national exams

As part of the #NoExamShutdown campaign, we’re sending an open letter to authorities in Syria to abstain from resorting to internet shutdowns during exams, and committing to #KeepItOn.

Tell social media companies: improve your content moderation practices for SRHR content

Acknowledging the importance of protecting sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) both offline and online in the West Asia and North Africa region (WANA), SMEX has conducted comprehensive research as part of the Masarouna project, a five-year program that mobilizes the power of young people in the region so they can claim SRHR.

Call for Papers: AI & Warfare

The HIIG and the Department of Media Studies in Bonn invite to an international conference on AI and the future warfare in Berlin. Abstracts can be submitted until 7 July, 2024.
The post Call for Papers: AI & Warfare appeared first on HIIG.

Schlüssel zur Verbesserung von Krebstherapien entdeckt

Kaum ein zellulärer Prozess in unserem Körper kommt ohne das kleine Protein Ubiquitin aus: Es orchestriert die Stabilität und Funktion der allermeisten Proteine. Wird es an andere Proteine angeheftet, sind diese oft für den Abbau freigegeben. Eine solche Markierung kann jedoch durch spezielle Enzyme auch wieder rückgängig gemacht werden. Das Enzym USP28 beispielsweise ist bekannt als Stabilisator von Proteinen, die entscheidend für Zellwachstum und -teilung sind – für das Wachstum von Krebs können diese ebenfalls eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

Book Co-Launch: WhatsApp and Mobile Hollywood

Location: Soho Bar
Time: 6-8pm
Date: Saturday June 22
Save the Date: See invitation here
Join us for the co-launch of two DMRC co-authored books from Ariadna Matamoros Fernandez and Kevin Sanson, featuring commentaries from guest speakers Prof. Gerard Goggin and Assoc. Prof. Serra Tinic.

Seminario sobre IA y Compliance abordó el proyecto de Ley de Inteligencia Artificial  

El miércoles 29 de mayo se llevó a cabo el seminario “Clasificación de Sistemas de IA y Compliance: Análisis Técnico y Legal bajo el Proyecto de Ley de IA en Chile”, organizado por el Programa de Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología, en el marco del Diplomado en Derecho e Inteligencia Artificial UC.