Other News from Participating Centers

Pierre Noreau reçoit le prix Impact – Partenariat 2024

Love Wikipedia? Get to know the nonprofit behind it

How many times did you look up something on your phone today? Did you ask ChatGPT a question? How about Alexa or Siri or a social media site? 

Receiving immediate responses is a huge benefit of how this technology has improved our lives. But it has also made it harder to sort through a flood of information to make sure we are getting the most accurate and reliable answers. The overwhelming speed of change in today’s online information ecosystem makes it more urgent to have a place for trustworthy and verified facts. 

7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia

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Open Knowledge Anglophone Africa Meeting: Promoting openness, collaboration and capacity building on the continent

The recent Open Knowledge Anglophone Africa meeting brought together passionate advocates and stakeholders committed to advancing open knowledge across the continent. This meeting was an important opportunity to assess the current state of the open movement, explore collaboration strategies, and chart the course for future projects and initiatives. Here’s a closer look at the key themes that shaped the meeting and what they mean for the future of open knowledge in Africa.

The state of open in Africa

Mapping Communities: Open Knowledge in Latin America

This past October 14th we had the Latin America regional call, where we met with regional members of the Open Knowledge Network to share a relaxed and focused talk about our needs, and to present the map of communities we have been working on these last few months.

Network Readiness Index introduces indicator with Amazon Web Services (AWS) on the public cloud computing industry

This article was originally published on aboutamazon.eu

The Network Readiness Index includes an indicator on the public cloud computing industry for the first time, with the UK, Germany, and France among the top 10.

Maja Korczyńska infiniteartist: Models of Identity in the Digital Era

In a world where technology redefines our perception of selfhood, identity becomes fluid, fragmented, and constantly evolving. My project, infiniteartist, is a multi-channel simulation that delves into this complexity by exploring alternative versions of identity through digital tools such as algorithms, AI, and generative processes.

Licensing Agreements between GenAI Companies and News Publishers: The Bulwark of Journalism in the Age of AI?

by Angelina Dash Introduction Recently, OpenAI has launched SearchGPT, a feature it announced back in July as a “temporary prototype of new AI search features.” Now live, this feature, embedded directly within ChatGPT, seeks to provide news and information to the user through a question-answer format and also by indexing search results in a side […]

‘Facts can’t fix this’

Democrats flee X for Bluesky amid Musk-Trump alliance

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Our takeaways from the UN World Data Forum 2024

The United Nations World Data Forum took place in Medellín, Colombia, from November 12 to 15, 2024, bringing together a global community committed to advancing data for sustainable development. Since its inception in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2017, the Forum has grown into a pivotal platform for driving data innovation, building partnerships, and mobilizing political and financial support to strengthen the global data ecosystem.

Wissenschaftspreis für Sarah Rachut

Die Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit e.V. (GDD) hat anlässlich der 48. Datenschutzfachtagung (DAFTA) Frau Dr. Sarah Rachut für ihre Dissertation “Grundrechtsverwirklichung im digitalen Kontexten” mit dem Bernd-Hentschel-Preis 2024, dem Wissenschaftspreis der GDD für akademischen Nachwuchs, gewürdigt. Nachdem sie bereits von Possible und dem Handelsblatt als Young Leader in GovTech 2024 in der Kategorie „Wissenschaft & Zivilgesellschaft“ gewürdigt wurde, handelt es sich um die zweite Auszeichnung in diesem Jahr.

Vier Würzburger Forscher sind „Highly Cited“

Zum wiederholten Male finden sich Professoren der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) in der Liste der Highly Cited Researchers: die Mediziner Hermann Einsele und Christoph Wanner, der Zellforscher José Pedro Friedmann Angeli sowie erstmals der Theoretische Physiker Ronny Thomale.

SAIL at the RealityCheck Indonesia Kick-Off Discussion

On November 6, 2024, our research assistant, Sekar Arum Jannah, contributed to a brainstorming session titled RealityCheck Indonesia. This event marked the kick-off of a project convened by the Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), in partnership with the Development Policy Foundation (DPF) and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

Lumen Researcher Interview Series: Phineas Rueckert - Forbidden Stories

Benefits of Open-Source AI

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