The Carinthian Academic Badminton Championships were once again held this year at the USI-Klagenfurt sports facility. On Fri. 21.03.2025, almost 25 enthusiastic badminton players battled it out in the individual competitions. The champions in the various categories were determined in exciting competitions: Women’s Singles, Men’s Singles, Mixed Doubles, Women’s Doubles and Men’s Doubles.
Claudia TRIPOLD took first place in the women’s singles and thus won the title of Carinthian Academic Champion. Congratulations to her! Silver went to Tina EBNER, while Katharina BRETIS won the bronze medal. In the men’s competition, Lucas ROGER won ahead of Christoph ABEL and Daniel MAURER.
In the mixed competition, the pairing of Claudia TRIPOLD/Christoph ABEL won against Tina EBNER/Thomas SCHWARZ.
Claudi TRIPOLD/Tina EBNER became Carinthian Academic Champions in the women’s doubles.
Christoph ABEL and Patrick OFNER won the men’s doubles. The duo beat Bernhard MARTIN/Christoph KARLSBERGER in the final. Third place went to the pairings Andres LEIBETSEDER/Lucas ROGER and Jan SCHWIDDESSEN/Daniel MAURER.
We would like to congratulate all participants on their great performances and thank them for the exciting event! Also a big THANK YOU to Patrick OFNER for the impeccable tournament management!
See you next year!
Instagram Reel of the KAM Badminton
Der Beitrag Carinthian Academic Championships – Badminton 2025 erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.