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IViR is pleased and proud to announce that Balázs Bodó has been appointed, per 1 January 2025, as a full professor at IViR, to the chair 'Information Law and Policy, with special emphasis on Technology Governance'.
The post Balázs Bodó appointed Professor of Information Law and Policy at IViR appeared first on IVIR.
Open AI kommt nach München. In einem BR24-Interview vom 7. Februar 2025 erklärte Professor Alexander Pretschner, was das für München bedeutet und warum die Stadt als Standort für Technologieunternehmen so attraktiv ist. So spiele vor allem die große Auswahl an sehr gut qualifizierten Menschen eine große Rolle:
Content moderation is a critical yet controversial issue in digital communication. It seeks to balance the right to express opinions freely while ensuring that online spaces remain safe from harm. Governments, social media platforms, civil society, and users all play a role in shaping the policies that govern digital interactions. However, perspectives on content moderation vary widely across countries and cultures, making it a complex policy challenge.
Key Findings from the Research
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Weltweit ist die Artenvielfalt bedroht. Während der Weltbiodiversitätsrat im Jahr 2019 schätzte, dass von acht Millionen Arten eine Million vom Aussterben bedroht sei, kommen neuere Studien auf doppelt so viele: Zwei Millionen Tier- und Pflanzenarten stehen demnach vor dem Aus, wenn sich nicht schnell etwas an ihren Lebensverhältnissen ändert.
The University of Amsterdam is providing funding and support for new or early-stage creative media projects that unearth, explore, and critique the digital economy in India from the perspectives of the labour that supports and sustains it.
The post Call for Creative Media Projects – Data Work in the Digital Economy appeared first on IVIR.
In a recently published paper in Big Data & Society, Erik Aarden analyses how quality of materials is managed and how materials are made visible and accessible in the European biobanking infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC. Using mapping as an analytical lens, the article shows how platforms for making materials visible and accessible are constructed to simultaneously reflects the making of a particular map of European integration and fragmentation.
Our final day was packed with creativity, critical insights, and candid reflections. We kicked off with dynamic workshops – Storying Stories explored the art of storytelling as a powerful research method, while Humans vs. Robots delved into audiovisual analysis through engaging TikTok examples.
The day continued with thought-provoking discussions on ethics and working with hardly researched communities, where DMRC researchers shared practical strategies for responsible data collection.
Day two of the 2025 DMRC Summer School was filled with dynamic, hands-on workshops designed to deepen participants’ research skills. The morning sessions featured an in-depth exploration of retrieval-augmented large language models and ethnographic approaches for digital media research, offering practical insights into cutting-edge methodologies.
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Carinthian Academic Gymnastics Championships 2025 – A complete success!
Tracey EllisDr. Claudia J. Ford is a professor of Environmental Studies at State University of New York, Potsdam, USA, and will be teaching at the Department of English at the University of Klagenfurt next summer semester as part of a Fulbright Visiting Professorship. In this interview, she explains the knowledge objectives she will be pursuing in her two courses and why she finds Carinthia a particularly exciting location.