Panel discussion at the Handelsblatt GovTech Summit in Berlin
Yesterday, Christian R. Ulbrich took part in a panel discussion at the Handelsblatt GovTech Summit in Berlin on the question of whether the law prevents the use of AI by the administration. Click here for the program.
Rektorenranking: Präsident Pauli bestätigt Top10-Platzierung
81 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) beteiligten sich 2025 an der Befragung. Knapp 70 Prozent von ihnen halten Paul Pauli demnach für eine sehr gute oder sogar für eine ideale Besetzung. Bewertet wurde mit Schulnoten von 1 (ideale Besetzung) bis 6 (denkbar schlechteste Besetzung). Mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 2,26 schaffte Pauli es unter 50 Rektorinnen und Rektoren auf Platz 8 und damit zum zweiten Mal unter die Top10.
Do Community Notes have a party preference?
This article explores whether Community Notes effectively combat disinformation or mirror political biases, analysing distribution and rating patterns.
The post Do Community Notes have a party preference? appeared first on HIIG.
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DMRC's Better Future Fridays kicking off in March
Join us for Better Future Fridays, a monthly afternoon series where we explore key challenges and opportunities in shaping better digital futures. Each session features expert panels, interactive Q&A discussions, and informal networking over light refreshments on the terrace.
With diverse themes and dynamic speakers each month, Better Future Fridays brings together DMRC researchers, industry professionals, and the broader community to spark conversations and inspire innovative thinking.
Time | 2:00PM – 4:00PM
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How People Analytics can affect the perception of fairness in the workplace
People Analytics in the workplace can improve decisions but may also heighten feelings of unfairness, impacting employee trust and workplace relationships.
The post How People Analytics can affect the perception of fairness in the workplace appeared first on HIIG.
SAIL Becomes Part of IPIE, Joining Leading Global Scientists
Safer Internet Lab (SAIL) is now officially part of the International Panel on the Information Environment (IPIE) through its principal researcher, Beltsazar Krisetya.
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