Other News from Participating Centers

Our impressions after a huge Open America event

In the first week of December, we had the opportunity and the pleasure to participate in the Open America event in Brazil, which brings together prestigious international meetings dedicated to the research, publication and use of open data on topics such as transparency, access to information, open government, civic technologies, data journalism, digital government, accountability and equity.

Improved accuracy and robustness in drone localisation: Award of Excellence for Alessandro Fornasier

Foto: BMBWF/Sabine Klimpt Lichtblick KG www.klimpt.at Alessandro Fornasier’s work involves helping robots and drones to navigate the world. As part of his PhD project, he used the theory of ‘equivariant systems’ to develop localisation algorithms that are more robust and accurate.

Is AI the Right Tool to Solve That Problem?

La création de contenus. Un marché comme un autre ?

Olivier Alexandre et Bilel Benbouzid (coord.), Réseaux, no 246-247, La Découverte, 2024, 322 p.
L’article La création de contenus. Un marché comme un autre ? est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

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How article 22 aims to tackle market power in the platformed media environment. A critical test for European media

Written by Roberta Carlini and Pier Luigi Parcu

Thinking of Algorithms as Institutions

The Words That Stop ChatGPT in Its Tracks

#MigrarSinVigilancia: Un Llamado Urgente para Proteger los Datos de las Personas Migrantes

17 de diciembre de 2024. Ciudad de México, México. Con motivo del Día Internacional de la Persona Migrante, la Coalición Latinoamericana #MigrarSinVigilancia invita este próximo miércoles, 18 de diciembre, al lanzamiento del informe “Privacidad en desplazamiento migratorio: Un diagnóstico sobre la vigilancia, protección de datos y seguridad digital en lugares de acogida de personas migrantes en México”.

Can encryption save lives?

Secure messaging and its infrastructure as loci of convergence between cyber warfare and conventional warfare: The case of Ukraine. Ksenia Ermoshina, Francesca Musiani, 2024.
L’article Can encryption save lives? est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Annäherung an ein Schwarzes Loch und seine Jets

Wie schleudern supermassereiche Schwarze Löcher galaxiengroße Ströme hochenergetischer Teilchen – so genannte Jets – mit nahezu Lichtgeschwindigkeit ins All? Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler haben einen wichtigen Schritt zur Beantwortung dieser Frage unternommen: Sie haben das Zentrum der Galaxie NGC 1052 in einer Entfernung von 60 Millionen Lichtjahren von der Erde in Richtung des Sternbilds Cetus (Walfisch) genauestens vermessen.

Leveraging Global South’s Youth Vision For Our Data Future

Authors:Mariana Rozo-Paz, Datasphere InitiativeJillian Randolph, Chaski GlobalFatuma Faraah, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development DataSanera Maharaj, Lahcen El Youssfi and Letsatsi Lekhooa, Next Einstein Forum – African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Responsible AI in the context of Indian Judicial System

by Srija Naskar Introduction Justice systems across the globe are increasingly becoming ‘digitised’ with greater use of technology in the administration of law. Attempts are being made to use algorithms and machine learning (“ML”) technologies to facilitate access to justice, aid decision making processes for lawyers, judges and litigants, improve procedural efficiency and even in […]

Ein Teleskop der Weltspitze auf der Zugspitze

Von einem „neuen Kapitel der Weltraumforschung“ hat Bayerns Umweltminister Thorsten Glauber gesprochen. Und von einem weiteren Schritt, „um Bayerns Platz in der höchsten Liga der Forschung zu festigen“. Was den Minister so in Begeisterung versetzt hat, ist ein hochmodernes Radioteleskop, das demnächst auf der Zugspitze gebaut werden soll. Dort betreibt der Freistaat mit dem „Schneefernerhaus“ Deutschlands höchstgelegene Umweltforschungsstation.

Catherine Régis est nommée codirectrice du programme de recherche de l’ICSIA

La professeure Catherine Régis, chercheure au CRDP, a été nommé, par L’Institut canadien de recherches avancées (CIFAR), codirectrice du programme de recherche de l’Institut canadien de la sécurité de l’intelligence artificielle (ICSIA), nouvellement créé.

Résultat du concours de bourses du Fonds Guy Rocher

Le CRDP est ravi de vous présenter les résultats du concours de bourses du Fonds Guy Rocher et de féliciter les lauréat.e.s. du concours.
Bourse doctorale 10 000$
Alexandre Jetté

Predictions for Journalism

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UAM Mixed Volleyball 2024

As in previous years around All Saints’ Day, the Unisport Austria Mixed Volleyball Championships took place again this year in Innsbruck. The University of Klagenfurt’s team consisted of players from both the national league and regional league. The preliminary round was played on the first day in two groups of four teams. The University of Klagenfurt faced teams from Linz, Innsbruck 2, and Innsbruck 3 in the group stage.

Carinthian Academic Championships – Floorball 2024

As is tradition in November, the Carinthian Academic Championships in Floorball took place once again this year. The tournament was held under perfect conditions at the Klagenfurt Sports Park.
The matches were played in a round-robin format with home and away games. The tournament was highly competitive, with the winning team only emerging towards the end. The team “Fritten Frodos – USI Klagenfurt” claimed the championship title after an intense series of games. Second place went to the “HBA Lawyers” team, while the “Blue Rockets” secured third place.