Granty na cyfryzację
Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. przygotowuje się do uruchomienia nowego projektu grantowego o nazwie „Dig.IT. Transformacja cyfrowa polskich MŚP”.
Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. przygotowuje się do uruchomienia nowego projektu grantowego o nazwie „Dig.IT. Transformacja cyfrowa polskich MŚP”.
On Tuesday, the FCC released the final text of the 2024 Open Internet Order, which the commission voted to adopt on April 25.
Here’s my statement and initial analysis of key points: Read more about Initial Analysis of the FCC’s 2024 Open Internet Order
United States
No Brasil, as recentes mudanças legislativas e regulatórias no setor de criptoativos têm sido um tema de ampla discussão. Com a promulgação do Marco Legal das Criptomoedas, que estabelece um regime de licenças para corretoras e intensifica as penas para crimes com ativos digitais, surge a necessidade urgente de compreender e integrar essas novas práticas regulatórias de forma eficaz.
Der Autor eines Katastrophenromans hätte es sich nicht schöner ausdenken können: Ausgerechnet an einem Freitag, dem Dreizehnten, wird der potenziell gefährliche Asteroid (99942) Apophis der Menschheit extrem nahekommen. Nur noch rund 30.000 Kilometer liegen am 13. April 2029 zwischen dem kosmischen Gesteinsbrocken und der Erde. Man wird Apophis dann auch von Würzburg aus mit bloßem Auge als Lichtpunkt am Abendhimmel sehen können.
Eigentlich sind Onkoproteine für Menschen überlebenswichtig: Tausendfach sorgen sie in unseren Körpern dafür, dass Zellen wachsen und sich teilen. Sie unterstützen die Wundheilung, reparieren Schäden im Erbgut und stärken unser Immunsystem. Funktionieren Onkoproteine nicht mehr richtig, wird es jedoch schnell gefährlich – dann verursachen sie unkontrolliertes Zellwachstum und lassen Tumore entstehen. Das Onkoprotein MYCN beispielsweise gilt als Verursacher einer Vielzahl aggressiver Krebstypen und Tumore, unter denen vor allem Kinder leiden.
As part of the #NoExamShutdown campaign, we’re sending an open letter to authorities in Iraq to abstain from resorting to internet shutdowns during exams, and committing to #KeepItOn.
To: Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani, Prime Minister of Republic of Iraq
The Office of the Prime Minister
Cc: Ibrahim Al-Jubouri, Minister of Education
Hayam Al-Yasiri, Minister of Communication
Re: Internet shutdowns during Iraq’s national school exams
Your Excellency the Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia’ Al Sudani,
Rage swept Lebanon when news broke out that networks active on TikTok are luring minors to blackmail and sexually assault them.
When the story first came out in May 2024, security services issued no official statement, except for a brief announcement by the Internal Security Forces (ISF) one day later that “the Cybercrime and Intellectual Property Bureau arrested six suspects in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, and the North, including three minors popular on TikTok.”
Over the last two decades, there has been no shortage of predictions regarding the relevance of cyberspace in conflict. As far back as 1993, John Arquilla, a professor of defense analysis at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, and David Ronfeldt, an American researcher known for his work on information-centric and network-centric warfare, warned that a “cyberwar is coming.” The Israeli occupation’s parallel cyberwar alongside the military operations in Gaza is fulfilling this prophecy.
In Kooperation mit der CIT School der Technischen Universität München veranstaltet das bidt im Sommersemester 2024 eine öffentliche Ringvorlesung zum Thema Digitalisierung. Das Programm umfasst zwölf Vorlesungen, die zwischen dem 24. April und dem 17. Juli 2024 im Wochentakt mittwochs ab 16 Uhr auf Zoom gestreamt werden. Angehörige unterschiedlichster Institute und Universitäten stellen unterschiedlichste Teilbereiche des Phänomens KI in der Digitalisierung dar, um Debatten zu ihren Chancen und Risiken anzuregen. Fragen gilt es einige zu diskutieren und zu beantworten:
Vous trouverez ci-dessus la conférence « The Use of Large Language Models and AI in Law Practice» de Prof. Amy Salyzyn (UOttawa) & Dre Katie Szilagyi (University of Manitoba) dans le cadre du cycle de conférences de 2024 « AI, Large Language Models, and Justice Considerations for Legal Practitioners Judges, Law Schools and Public Legal Educators »
Biographie des conférencières
Prof. amy salyzyn
INC Zine
Falling Through
On January 18th, 2024 Agnieszka Antkowiak, Morgane Billuart and Klara Debeljak came together in Prague, CZ to present their research in the form of a three-part performance lecture at the Display Gallery Space. The performative lectures danced around speculative narrative building and being (a girl) online, questioning truth and violence.
The Planalto Riots: Making and Unmaking a Failed Coup in Brazil
Le Centre de Recherche en Droit Public est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Ledy Rivas Zannou au poste de Professeur régulier en droit des affaires au Département de droit de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais.
We are excited to announce a call for abstracts for the European Privacy Law Scholars Conference, which will be hosted at the University of Amsterdam, 24-25 October 2024. Following the format of PLSC in the United States, PLSC Europe is a conference for discussing work in progress. In the PLSC format, discussants, rather than authors,… Continue reading Extended deadline 10th of May! Call for Abstracts: European Privacy Law Scholars Conference
In the face of the pressing global challenges posed by climate change, the recent Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum 2024 event hosted by Open Knowledge Ghana brought together a diverse group of stakeholders to explore the intersection of digital rights, sustainability, and inclusion. The panel discussion, titled “Bridging the Gap: Digital Rights, Sustainability, and Inclusion in the Face of Climate Change,” delved into the crucial role that technology, innovation, and digital empowerment can play in addressing the climate crisis.
Marina’s intellectual practice truly constituted a form of praxis. Her work was always embodied and situated in a commonly sensed world. For all its conceptual rigour, it was as aesthetic as it was theoretical; it would be a grave mistake to paint Marina as some niche theorist who happened to specialize in writing about value or autonomy. Such notions were not discussed as pure concepts but experienced and actively problematized in various collaborative contexts—ranging from the “old” Jan van Eyck, to Casco, W.A.G.E. and Cinenova.
On 28 April 2024 and ahead of World Press Freedom Day, Research Fellow Iva Nenadić spoke about media freedom and journalism in Croatia and the EU for N1 Hrvatska Newsnight.