Other News from Participating Centers

Slot Online dengan Fitur Terunik yang Wajib Dicoba

Inovasi Terbaru dalam Slot Online: Fitur yang Harus Diketahui

Relatório “Finanças Descentralizadas (DeFi): uma introdução ao futuro das finanças”

Finanças Descentralizadas, mais conhecidas como DeFi (em inglês, Decentralized Finance), referem-se a um ecossistema de aplicações financeiras construídas sobre tecnologias blockchain, que funcionam sem a necessidade de intermediários tradicionais, como bancos e corretoras. Utilizando contratos inteligentes (smart contracts), que são programas autoexecutáveis com os termos do contrato diretamente escritos no código, o DeFi oferece uma alternativa ao sistema financeiro convencional, com potencial de proporcionar maior transparência, acessibilidade e segurança.

Mapping Openness in Europe: A Regional Meeting with Open Knowledge Foundation

On 10 October 2024 the regional call for Europe for the Open Knowledge Network was held online. The discussion was facilitated by Esther Plomp, the Regional Coordinator for Europe.

Objectives and context of the meeting

Throwing Free Consent under the Bus? : Situating the ‘Pay-or-Consent’ Model in the Global South

This blogpost is authored by Samrridhi Kumar.  Introduction  As users navigating the internet on a daily basis, we invariably make choices, and in particular one choice which is recurring – that of ‘privacy consent’. It provides platforms the power to collect, use and disclose data. However, a compelling question has emerged due to recent regulatory […]

Identity Instrumentalized

2024 UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day Memorial Lecture & BNU International Expert Lecture Series (Number 8)

On the evening of October 29, 2024, UNCITRAL Asia Pacific Day Memorial Lecture & BNU International Expert Lecture Series (Number 8) was successfully held at the Law School of Beijing Normal University.

Integrating traditional and academic knowledge

Conférence EPG 2024

Le réseau Environmental Politics and Governance (EPG) offre une plate-forme aux chercheur.e.s de toutes les disciplines qui étudient les questions environnementales pour présenter des recherches, échanger des idées et collaborer. Dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle qui a eu lieu à Québec (2024), une série de courtes vidéos ont été réalisées abordant des questions sensibles eu égard au monde de la recherche et son rapport à l’environnement, telles : peut-on être à la fois scientifique et militant? Quels conseils donner à de jeunes chercheurs?

Mengetahui Waktu Ideal Bermain Slot Online untuk Menang

Faktor-Faktor Waktu yang Mempengaruhi Kemenangan

Governing Digital Public Infrastructure as a Commons

Renata Avila, Ramya Chandrasekhar, Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Andrew Rens, T20 Policy Brief, 2024, 14 p.
L’article Governing Digital Public Infrastructure as a Commons est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

THE VOID T.V. #2 Girl Theory – Stream Archive

Experte für verteilte Satellitensysteme

Die Menschheit hinterlässt ihren Müll auch im Weltraum: Ausrangierte Satelliten und Trümmerteile kreisen in großer Zahl um die Erde. Schätzungsweise 26.000 Schrottobjekte gibt es, die größer als zehn Zentimeter sind. Dazu kommen Millionen kleinerer Stücke. Und weil immer neue Satelliten gebaut werden, wächst der Schrotthaufen stetig an.

Vidéo – Conférence « L’amour comme (in)capacité politique: Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva, Jean-Louis Bouttes » de M. Blake Smith

Vous trouverez ci-dessus la conférence « L’amour comme (in)capacité politique: Roland Barthes, Julia Kristeva, Jean-Louis Bouttes » de M. Blake Smith.

Vidéo – Conférence « Le Sud global face au défi d’une nouvelle gouvernance mondiale » de M. Guillaume Long

Vous trouverez ci-dessus la conférence « Le Sud global face au défi d’une nouvelle gouvernance mondiale » de M. Guillaume Long  dans le cadre du cycle de conférences de 2024 « BANDUNG 2.0 ?  Diplomatie occidentale et essor des Suds »

Panel: The Tech We Want is Political

Octavio Kulesz

Doctorant, Université Côte d'Azur
L’article Octavio Kulesz est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Displaced and disconnected: internet shutdowns disrupt the lives of thousands 

Two Israeli airstrikes have targeted the “Burj Awdeh” building in the city of Tyre in South Lebanon. The first occurred on September 29, and the second on October 7.  

The airstrikes resulted in multiple injuries and fatalities while also destroying Takch Group’s internet station, one of the area’s largest. This disruption has severely impacted network connectivity across the city and surrounding areas. 

Slot Online yang Terinspirasi dari Mitologi Nordik

Karakter Legendaris dalam Slot Mitologi Nordik

Last week to send in proposals! | Tactical Media Reader: Common Tools for Common Struggles

Two years after the takeover: Four key policy changes of X under Musk

This article outlines four key policy changes of X since Musk’s 2022 takeover, highlighting how the platform's approach to content moderation has evolved.
The post Two years after the takeover: Four key policy changes of X under Musk appeared first on HIIG.