© filmfriend.atStream movies & series for free with the University Library!
The University Library has licensed access to the streaming service filmfriend.at:
More than 3,500 feature films and documentaries, series episodes and short films: ambitious arthouse cinema from all over the world, fascinating genre films, comedies and dramas, entertaining, stirring, moving, enlightening. For film lovers and world explorers, for cineastes, for families, children and young people. The filmfriend platform offers insights into the wide world of film. Developed by the company filmwerte GmbH from Potsdam-Babelsberg, it gives library users unlimited online access to all films – free of charge and ad-free. […] Every month, users can find around 30 new films and series on the platform, selected with expertise and passion, with dedicated editorial support.
(Source: filmwerte GmbH)
University members now have the opportunity to stream films and series from this platform free of charge.
You can access the streaming service at https://www.filmfriend.at
Alternatively, filmfriend can also be found via the database information system (DBIS) and surf@ubk.
The streaming platform can also be used remotely from off campus with AAU username and password via Shibboleth and can be played on a PC or Mac, tablet or smartphone using an app or in various browsers. In addition, filmfriend can be streamed on the TV set with the following Smart TV apps: Apple Smart TV app, Android TV app, fire TV app. Smart TV apps can be downloaded free of charge from the respective app store (Google Play Store, Amazon Store or Apple Store).
The streaming service filmfriend is another platform in the University Library’s wide range of licensed databases.
Please direct your questions/feedback to datenbanken [dot] bibliothek [at] aau [dot] at
Der Beitrag filmfriend.at erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.