Other News from Participating Centers

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Towards a knowledge society through the technologies we want

CEO Reflection Ahead of 2025

Get tips on studying at the ÖH Info Days!

ÖH Uni KlagenfurtThe Info Days of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec, the lobby group in university politics for all students at our university, will support you on 29 and 30 January 2025 before the start of the semester with advice on all aspects of studying.

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d): Evaluating the Impact of AI for Sustainability and Public Interest (ImpactAI)

We are seeking an postdoctoral researcher for our ImpactAI project to explore the impact of AI on sustainability and public interest?
The post Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d): Evaluating the Impact of AI for Sustainability and Public Interest (ImpactAI) appeared first on HIIG.

Game Slot dengan Inspirasi dari Budaya Asia

Tradisi dan Simbolisme di Mesin Slot

SAIL at IGF 2024: Bringing Southeast Asian Perspectives to the Global Stage

After sailing through Taipei for the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum, Safer Internet Lab continues its journey by bringing Southeast Asian perspectives to the 19th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh. This marks our second consecutive year attending the IGF.

Universität schließt bis 1. Januar

Studienberatung, Studierendenkanzlei, Prüfungsamt, Rechenzentrum, Sportzentrum, Sanderring-Uni, Alte Universität und die Institute im Südflügel der Residenz bleiben in dieser Zeit geschlossen. Auch die Uni-Gebäude am Wittelsbacherplatz, am Hubland und auf dem Campus Nord sind zu. Die Regelung gilt außerdem für die Institute am Röntgenring und an der Versbacher Straße.

Tackling Rising Cases of FIMI in Southeast Asia: Insights from IGF 2024

There are rising cases of foreign information manipulation in Southeast Asia. This was one of the key findings uncovered by Pieter Pandie, our researcher, during his work. He presented these findings at the session titled “Addressing Information Manipulation in Southeast Asia” on December 15, 2024, during Day 0 of the Internet Governance Forum 2024 in Riyadh.

Hugo Tremblay lauréat du Concours juridique de la Fondation du Barreau

Lex Electronica, 30 ans de diffusion en libre accès

Jóvenes investigadores publican artículos académicos que contribuyen al desarrollo del ecosistema digital en América Latina

Culminó el programa de becas Junior Fellowship en su edición 2024, una iniciativa del Centro de Estudios de Telecomunicaciones de América Latina (cet.la), con la colaboración del Centro Latam Digital, donde dos jóvenes investigadores publicaron artículos académicos que contribuyen con investigación y conocimiento al desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones, la expansión de la conectividad y la promoción de una digitalización inclusiva en América Latina. Descarga sus investigaciones gratis aquí.

REGULAÇÃO DA INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL: Subsídios para a Autoridade Competente no Brasil

A inteligência artificial (IA) desponta como uma das tecnologias mais transformadoras do século XXI, redefinindo a maneira como interagimos, nos relacionamos e impulsionamos a inovação em diferentes setores. Contudo, seus impactos também levantam preocupações éticas, legais e sociais, exigindo uma regulação que proteja direitos. A supervisão do desenvolvimento e uso da IA, portanto, é vital.