Other News from Participating Centers

Vacancies: Two Postdoctoral Research Positions in Human(e) AI

The Research Priority Area in Human(e) AI at the University of Amsterdam currently has two vacant Postdoctoral Researcher positions.
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Does social media literacy help to improve mood and body image?

Many experts agree that social media can negatively affect mental health. Images of seemingly perfect and extremely fit influencers can lower self-esteem, affect eating habits and reduce concentration. Furthermore, this can sometimes lead to serious issues such as eating disorders and depression. Nevertheless, despite this problem being well-known, to date surprisingly few solutions have been suggested. It may well be that either the issue is simply too complex for the application of basic solutions or that insufficient research has been undertaken.

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Cluster of Excellence – open positions

Daniel WaschnigJoin our team and gain experience – work in the Cluster of Excellence (CoE)
Find all details here
Positions open until December 31|2024
Der Beitrag Cluster of Excellence – open positions erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.

The YERUN Research Mobility Awards are back for 2024-2025—With exciting new features! 

aau/Daniel WaschnigThe YERUN Research Mobility Awards (YRMA) return with a refreshed approach for the 2024-2025 edition, offering opportunities for impactful research collaborations across the YERUN network. Whether you’re an early-career or mid-career researcher, these awards are designed to support innovative and interdisciplinary partnerships. 

What’s New in 2024-2025?
This year’s edition introduces three major updates that reflect our commitment to fostering deeper and more collaborative research experiences:

Panel: The Tech We Want is Built and Maintained with Care

Guest lecture on strategy & communication – voestalpine AG

Sir Mag. Peter Felsbach, MAS, Head of Group Communications and Group Spokesman of voestalpine AG, gave a guest lecture on October 31st, 2024, on the topic of “voestalpine AG – Group Strategy & Communications.” The lecture, which was open to the university public, attracted great interest, particularly from students in the “International Marketing” and “Consumer Behaviour” courses, which was also reflected in the subsequent discussion.

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La plateforme PARLe consommation de l’OPC, un outil de plus en plus populaire

La plateforme PARLe consommation est mentionnée dans l’article Régler son différend avec son concessionnaire automobile par la médiation de Mathieu Boulay, publié dans le Journal de Montréal (4 novembre 2024).

Ophélie Coelho

Doctorante associée au CIS
L’article Ophélie Coelho est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

ERC Synergy Grant für effizientere Suche nach neuen Antibiotika

Kein anderer Forschungspreis in Europa ist so renommiert und so hoch dotiert wie die Synergy Grants des Europäischen Forschungsrats (ERC): Die Auszeichnung geht ausschließlich an Teams aus zwei bis vier Forschern, die aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen kommen und ihre Expertise bündeln, um gemeinsam ein besonders anspruchsvolles, potenziell bahnbrechendes Forschungsziel zu erreichen.

Can legislation combat the surge of non-consensual deepfake porn?

John Villasenor, professor of electrical engineering, shares his insights on the technical limitations and legal guardrails around AI-generated deepfakes.

AI Workers Seek Whistleblower Cover to Expose Emerging Threats

Social media's lax rules around misinformation worry election watchers

How Personhood Credentials Could Impact Higher Education

The Artificial State

The Weaponization of Things

The Bartha Maria Knoppers annual lecture | New Ethics for Genomic Newborn Screening?

Le CRDP vous invite à assister à la conférence annuelle de Bartha Maria Knoppers 2024. A cette occasion, le Centre de génomique et politiques reçoit Eva Winkler pour une conférence intitulée New Ethics for Genomic Newborn Screening?
Un rafraichissement sera servi à la suite de la conférence.
Date : 12 novembre 2024
Heure : 10H – 11H
Lieu : McGill Centre for Integrative Neurosciences (MNI)
de Grandpré Communications Centre, 3801 Rue University Montréal, QC H3A 2B4

Infrastructure that Sticks: Digital Affect Within Sovietcore

Жить тяжело и неуютно
Зато уютно умирать
(Living is difficult and confining,
But dying is liberating)