Other News from Participating Centers

New FWF-project: How a European zoo biobank aims to support conservation

The new FWF-funded project “Banking on zoos for conservation?” addresses the question how a collection of biological materials from zoo animals might contribute to the conservation of endangered species.

Job openings (doctoral and postdoctoral level)

For the project Banking on zoos for conservation? Towards a multispecies perspective on conservation research in the EAZA Biobank, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, I am looking for two colleagues to join me at the Department of Society, Knowledge and Politics, of the University of Klagenfurt in Austria. The project will start in May 2025 and run until April 2028.

We Tried to Tell Y'All

Project Respira: Open Innovation for Environmental Justice in Asunción

Air pollution is one of the world’s greatest environmental threats to public health. In Asunción, Paraguay, where pollution levels are increasing year after year, there is an urgent need for initiatives to tackle this problem.

Solving the longest path problem with Artificial Intelligence

KKIn her Master’s thesis, mathematician Celina Strasser sought to solve the longest path problem using reinforcement learning, a method drawn from the field of Artificial Intelligence. Her work was honoured with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Award in 2024.

Mapping Data Work: Call for abstracts and proposals for an international workshop

We invite contributions to a two-day workshop that explores ‘data work’—tasks such as data labelling and annotation that are necessary for the creation and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI). This workshop aims to foreground the hidden human costs and epistemic questions involved in the development of datasets and AI systems, which often obscure the vast amounts of data and labour required for their construction and maintenance.

Offre d’emploi : Coordonnateur.rice – Laboratoire de cyberjustice

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Appel à candidatures – bourses doctorales Droit et IA & stage postdoctoral en droit et technologie (2025)

Le Laboratoire de cyberjustice et la Chaire LexUM en information juridique offre une opportunité exceptionnelle pour les étudiants de doctorat et les chercheurs postdoctoraux passionné.es par les technologies de l’information, la cyberjustice et l’intelligence artificielle.

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‘Leveraging Open Data for the Benefit of Society’, a workshop with Open Knowledge Greece

‘Open Data Workshop’ took place on Thursday, December 12, 2024, at the new conference center of the Region of Central Macedonia. The event, organised by the Digital Governance Sub-region, focused on the values of open data in modern societies, aiming to promote transparency, innovation, and sustainable development. 

Des addictions aux nouvelles addictions

Colloque organisé avec la participation du GDR Internet, IA et Société, 25 janv. 2025, Campus Condorcet Paris-Aubervilliers.
L’article Des addictions aux nouvelles addictions est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Open Data Editor: How and why we are integrating AI into the app

In collaboration with Romina Colman

How can AI help non-technical users validate and improve the quality of their data in the Open Data Editor, taking into account transparency, privacy, and functionality?

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Cybersécurité et Sciences humaines et sociales

Rencontres organisées par le GDR Sécurité informatique et le GDR Internet, IA et Société, 9-10 janv. 2025, Paris.
L’article Cybersécurité et Sciences humaines et sociales est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

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How Border Technologies Impact Migration

Von Würzburg in die Welt

Was arbeiten Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU)? Um den Studierenden verschiedene Perspektiven vorzustellen, befragen Michaela Thiel, Geschäftsführerin des zentralen Alumni-Netzwerks „Uni Wü Community“, und ihr Team regelmäßig ausgewählte Ehemalige.

En attendant le fameux « statut particulier » : du fédéralisme à la protection des droits fondamentaux | Soirées de la justice du CRDP

Dans le cadre des soirées de la justice du CRDP, nous vous invitons chaleureusement à la conférence  En attendant le fameux « statut particulier » : du fédéralisme à la protection des droits fondamentaux.
Date : Mercredi, 22 janvier 2025
Heure : 16h30-18h
Salon François-Chevrette (A-3464) + Zoom

Sighting Privacy Through High Courts: Developing Jurisprudence on Right to Privacy of Police versus Authentication of Search and Seizure

This blogpost is authored by Fawaz Shaheen. Editor’s note: This is the third blog in the CCG’s High Court Tracker Blog Series, titled Sighting Privacy Through High Courts. This series will feature periodic posts analysing the recent trends and developments in the jurisprudence on the right to privacy as observed across different High Courts in […]

Avances legislativos en materia de tecnología de este 2024

Este 2024 fue un año de grandes avances legislativos en materia de tecnología en Chile, marcando hitos en seguridad digital, protección de datos personales y la regulación en innovación financiera. A continuación, repasamos algunos de los avances más importantes.

Ley Marco de Ciberseguridad N° 21.663