Other News from Participating Centers

“Straight out of a mystery”: The winners of Wiki Loves Earth 2024

From the parting of a mist’s ethereal cloak to the narrowing borders of a drying lake, the two winners of this year’s Wiki Loves Earth photo contest remind us of Earth’s timeless beauty and its fragility.

Cara Kerja Bonus Round dalam Slot Online

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A Look Back at the First Year of the Department of Society, Knowledge, and Politics (SoKPol)

Foto: SoKPolOn January 1, 2024, three smaller institutes merged to form the new Department of Society, Knowledge, and Politics. In this report, we reflect on the personal and academic highlights of the first year of “SoKPol.”
Report by Helene Sorgner

Making Data Work Easier: Highlights from the Global Voices Summit 2024

How often do you interact with data in your daily tasks? For many of us, working with data has become a regular part of our professional and personal lives. But, do you have the coding skills needed to clean and prepare data for deeper analysis?

An Indian Semiconductor Story

by Nidhi Singh In a major decision the Maharashtra government just approved a megaproject forsemiconductor manufacturing at Panvel by Tower Semiconductor company and the AdaniGroup. This is the latest semiconductor project to hit the newscycle; Over the course of the lastyear, India has approved five semiconductor units, and several other projects are in the pipeline. […]

Apa yang Harus Diketahui tentang Sistem Turnamen Slot?

Sejarah dan Perkembangan Turnamen Slot

Towards a knowledge society through the technologies we want

CEO Reflection Ahead of 2025

Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) for Impact AI: Evaluating the Impact of AI for Sustainability and Public Interest

We are seeking an postdoctoral researcher for our Impact AI project to explore the impact of AI on sustainability and public interest?
The post Postdoctoral Researcher (m/f/d) for Impact AI: Evaluating the Impact of AI for Sustainability and Public Interest appeared first on HIIG.

Game Slot dengan Inspirasi dari Budaya Asia

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SAIL at IGF 2024: Bringing Southeast Asian Perspectives to the Global Stage

After sailing through Taipei for the Asia-Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum, Safer Internet Lab continues its journey by bringing Southeast Asian perspectives to the 19th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh. This marks our second consecutive year attending the IGF.

Universität schließt bis 1. Januar

Studienberatung, Studierendenkanzlei, Prüfungsamt, Rechenzentrum, Sportzentrum, Sanderring-Uni, Alte Universität und die Institute im Südflügel der Residenz bleiben in dieser Zeit geschlossen. Auch die Uni-Gebäude am Wittelsbacherplatz, am Hubland und auf dem Campus Nord sind zu. Die Regelung gilt außerdem für die Institute am Röntgenring und an der Versbacher Straße.

Tackling Rising Cases of FIMI in Southeast Asia: Insights from IGF 2024

There are rising cases of foreign information manipulation in Southeast Asia. This was one of the key findings uncovered by Pieter Pandie, our researcher, during his work. He presented these findings at the session titled “Addressing Information Manipulation in Southeast Asia” on December 15, 2024, during Day 0 of the Internet Governance Forum 2024 in Riyadh.

A Deep Dive Into the Baltic Sea Cable Cuts

Copyright Abuse Is Getting Luigi Mangione Merch Removed From the Internet

Hugo Tremblay lauréat du Concours juridique de la Fondation du Barreau

Lex Electronica, 30 ans de diffusion en libre accès

Jóvenes investigadores publican artículos académicos que contribuyen al desarrollo del ecosistema digital en América Latina

Culminó el programa de becas Junior Fellowship en su edición 2024, una iniciativa del Centro de Estudios de Telecomunicaciones de América Latina (cet.la), con la colaboración del Centro Latam Digital, donde dos jóvenes investigadores publicaron artículos académicos que contribuyen con investigación y conocimiento al desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones, la expansión de la conectividad y la promoción de una digitalización inclusiva en América Latina. Descarga sus investigaciones gratis aquí.

REGULAÇÃO DA INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL: Subsídios para a Autoridade Competente no Brasil

A inteligência artificial (IA) desponta como uma das tecnologias mais transformadoras do século XXI, redefinindo a maneira como interagimos, nos relacionamos e impulsionamos a inovação em diferentes setores. Contudo, seus impactos também levantam preocupações éticas, legais e sociais, exigindo uma regulação que proteja direitos. A supervisão do desenvolvimento e uso da IA, portanto, é vital.

The Wikimedia Foundation welcomes community-and-affiliate selected trustees

Today, the Wikimedia Foundation, the global nonprofit that hosts Wikipedia, announced that two new members have joined its Board of Trustees: Maciej Artur Nadzikiewicz and Christel Steigenberger. In addition, current community-and-affiliate selected Trustees Dr. Victoria Doronina and Lorenzo Losa have also been reappointed to the Board for another term.

Proyecto Truth and Democracy abordó la desinformación y el crimen organizado con la experta estadounidense Celina Realuyo

En diciembre de 2024 se dio inicio al proyecto “Truth and Democracy: Collaborative Plan to Strengthen Media Capacities against Disinformation and Online Violence”, desarrollado por el Programa de Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología UC, con el apoyo de la Embajada de Estados Unidos en Chile.