Résultat du concours de bourses du Fonds Guy Rocher
Le CRDP est ravi de vous présenter les résultats du concours de bourses du Fonds Guy Rocher et de féliciter les lauréat.e.s. du concours.
Bourse doctorale 10 000$
Alexandre Jetté
Le CRDP est ravi de vous présenter les résultats du concours de bourses du Fonds Guy Rocher et de féliciter les lauréat.e.s. du concours.
Bourse doctorale 10 000$
Alexandre Jetté
As in previous years around All Saints’ Day, the Unisport Austria Mixed Volleyball Championships took place again this year in Innsbruck. The University of Klagenfurt’s team consisted of players from both the national league and regional league. The preliminary round was played on the first day in two groups of four teams. The University of Klagenfurt faced teams from Linz, Innsbruck 2, and Innsbruck 3 in the group stage.
As is tradition in November, the Carinthian Academic Championships in Floorball took place once again this year. The tournament was held under perfect conditions at the Klagenfurt Sports Park.
The matches were played in a round-robin format with home and away games. The tournament was highly competitive, with the winning team only emerging towards the end. The team “Fritten Frodos – USI Klagenfurt” claimed the championship title after an intense series of games. Second place went to the “HBA Lawyers” team, while the “Blue Rockets” secured third place.
Am Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2024, erschien die neueste Ausgabe des CHE-Masterrankings, herausgegeben vom Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung. Befragt wurden diesmal Studierende der Fächer Informatik, Mathematik und Physik – und die stellten der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) ein überwiegend positives Zeugnis aus.
Sie sind so etwas wie die Architekten unseres Körpers: Messenger-Ribonukleinsäuren, kurz mRNA. In ihrem Inneren enthalten sie detaillierte Baupläne für Proteine, die von ihren „Kollegen“, den Ribosomen, gelesen und umgesetzt werden. Ohne die Proteine in unseren Körpern könnten wir Menschen nicht überleben – sie steuern unsere Zellteilung, sorgen für ein starkes Immunsystem und machen unsere Zellen widerstandsfähig gegen Angriffe von außen.
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Por Milagros Belgrano Rawson / FastCompany
Una mujer es asesinada cada diez minutos. La estadística, que proviene de ONU Mujeres, es escalofriante. Y lo que motivó a una empresa y una ONG para colaborar en un proyecto de responsabilidad social. Se trata de la app “No estás sola”, imaginada por la asociación civil Centro-i y desarrollada por el programa pro bono de SoftServe. Esta última es una compañía multinacional especializada en digitalización que inició operaciones en México hace tres años.
Por Juan Carlos Villarruel / ConsumoTIC
Para que el proceso de reforma emprendido por la actual legislatura al sector de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión resulte en algo mejor a lo que se tiene hasta ahora, es necesario que se tome en cuenta el aprendizaje de los esquemas del pasado, tanto en sus aspectos positivos como negativos, porque si todo lo aprendido se borra, “la pérdida será para toda la sociedad”.
Imagine que você deseja enviar dinheiro para um amigo em outro país. Ao usar uma criptomoeda tradicional, como o Bitcoin, o valor que você envia pode ser significativamente diferente do montante que seu amigo receberá, devido à volatilidade do preço do Bitcoin. No entanto, se você usar uma stablecoin vinculada ao dólar americano, como a Tether (USDT), o valor enviado permanecerá estável em dólares americanos, proporcionando uma maneira mais previsível e confiável de transferir valor internacionalmente. Além disso, imagine que você deseja proteger suas economias da inflação brasileira.
Лариса Лазебная/Adobestock (KI generated)In her research project, Mercedes de Luis Andrés explores how so-called BoJo Clubs, – book clubs within journalism culture – particularly in post-conflict societies, can contribute to a shift in how we relate to journalism and reading circles, providing practical insights for communities in challenging societal contexts. She recently received the CLS INFRA Transnational Access Fellowship for this work, providing her with an opportunity to conduct research at the University of Galway in Ireland.
Die Veranstaltung im Senatssaal der LMU brachte führende Köpfe aus Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Politik zusammen. Bayerns Wissenschaftsminister Markus Blume ging in einem persönlichen Grußwort auf das Lebenswerk des Münchener Philosophen ein.
Bayerns Wissenschaftsminister Blume würdigt bidt-Direktor Professor Nida-Rümelin
In seiner Rede hob er Professor Nida-Rümelins einzigartige Beiträge zur Verbindung von Philosophie, Politik, Wissenschaft und gesellschaftlicher Praxis hervor.
We congratulate Franziska Hollauf, the winner of the Roland Mittermeir Award 2023, who impressed us with her Master’s thesis, ‘ Representation and Computation of Time-Cost Trade-offs for Composed Services.‘
The thesis can be accessed via the following link: https://resolver.obvsg.at/urn:nbn:at:at-ubk:1-49104
We congratulate Julian Lechner BSc., who works as a study assistant in our research group, Information & Communication Systems, to the Best Performer Award 2023/2024. The best students in the technical degree programs at the University of Klagenfurt were selected for the Best Performer Awards. The ECTS credits and grades of all assessments of an academic year were counted to evaluate academic performance.