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Cara Menang Slot Sweet Bonanza dengan Modal Kecil

Memahami Fitur Slot Sweet Bonanza

Uni-Satellit SONATE-2 ein Jahr im All

Am 4. März 2024 startete SONATE-2, ein Kleinsatellit der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), mit einer Rakete in den Weltraum. Das Team von Hakan Kayal, Leiter der Professur für Raumfahrttechnik, hatte den etwa schuhkartongroßen Satelliten in dreijähriger Arbeit entwickelt und gebaut. Schon kurz nach dem Auswurf des Satelliten über Madagaskar glückte im Missionskontrollzentrum auf dem Hubland-Campus die erste Kontaktaufnahme.

Distorted Reality

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Policy Brief: The Human Rights Risks of Big Tech’s Cloud Expansion in the Gulf

This policy brief is based on the 2024 research report “Mapping Tech Companies’ Cloud Expansion in the Gulf and its Human Rights Implications.”

Untangling AI Copyright and Data Mining in EU Compliance

In this TL;DR episode, João Quintais explains the interaction between the AI Act and EU copyright law, focusing on text and data mining (TDM). He unpacks key issues like lawful access, opt-out mechanisms, and transparency obligations for AI developers. João explores challenges such as extraterritoriality and trade secrets, offering insights into how voluntary codes of practice and contractual diligence could help align AI innovation with EU copyright rules.

12.5.2025 Hypertextes #29 Thomas S. Mullaney

The Chinese Computer. A Global History of the Information Age, 12 mai 2025, 18h30.
L’article 12.5.2025 Hypertextes #29 Thomas S. Mullaney est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

28.4.2025 Hypertextes #28 Quinn Slobodian

Hayek's Bastards: Race, Gold, IQ, and the Capitalism of the Far Right, 28 avril 2025, 16h.
L’article 28.4.2025 Hypertextes #28 Quinn Slobodian est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Chemie: Erste Dreifachbindung zwischen Bor und Kohlenstoff

Bor, Kohlenstoff, Stickstoff und Sauerstoff: Diese vier Elemente können wegen ihrer ähnlichen elektronischen Eigenschaften untereinander chemische Dreifachbindungen eingehen. Beispiele dafür sind das Gas Kohlenmonoxid, das aus einem Kohlenstoff- und einem Sauerstoffatom besteht, oder das Stickstoffgas der Erdatmosphäre mit seinen zwei Stickstoffatomen.

10.4.2025 Hypertextes #27 Ya-Wen Lei

The Gilded Cage: Technology, Development, and State Capitalism in China, 7 avril 2025, 16h.
L’article 10.4.2025 Hypertextes #27 Ya-Wen Lei est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Journalism and freedom: Key debates at the Voices Festival

The second edition of Voices, the European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy, took place from 27 February to 1 March at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, Croatia.

Chatbot Innovation Fuelling the Privacy Discourse

This post is authored by Abeer Shrivastava. “If something is free, you’re the product” – Richard Serra 1973 The new Chinese competitor to ChatGPT with a whale for its logo is making waves in the market (pun intended). For the most part, the craze is owing to the fact that this LLM was developed for a […]

Séminaire Capitalisme numérique et idéologies

Avec Matt Zwolinski (San Diego University), 25 mars 2025, 17h à 18h30.
L’article Séminaire Capitalisme numérique et idéologies est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Call for applications: Summer School 2025 on Resilience to Science Hostility

The call for applications for our next Summer School "Resilience against hostility though science communication" is now open. You can apply until monday 31 march.
The post Call for applications: Summer School 2025 on Resilience to Science Hostility appeared first on HIIG.

Lyrik-Uni zum Welttag der Poesie

Lesung * Ausstellung * Musik
Tag: 21.03.2025
Feiern Sie mit uns den UNESCO-Welttag der Poesie
Peter Svetina (Slawistik)
Blake Shedd (Anglistik)
Angela Fabris (Romanistik)
Dominik Srienc (Musil-Institut)
Wo: Alpen-Adria-Universität (Aula) Klagenfurt| Celovec, Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec
10-11 Uhr Schulkinder lesen Lyrik (Moderation: Majla Vranić)
11-12 Uhr Il sonetto carinziano (Moderation: Blake Shedd)

Slot Online dengan Tema Horor Paling Seru

Slot Online Bertema Horor Paling Populer

Séminaire Surveillance et pouvoir

Avec Sofia Laborde (LATTS, Université Gustave Eiffel), 20 mars 2025, 18h.
L’article Séminaire Surveillance et pouvoir est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Using innovative methods to improve our understanding of the interplay between monetary policy and the economy

Nico Bekasinski/AdobestockHow can we improve the prediction of systemic risks in financial and economic crises? A new research project is developing innovative Bayesian methods to model dynamic covariances – with the aim of improving forecasts and supporting political decisions.

Pengalaman Bermain Slot Online dengan Grafik HD

Keunggulan Grafik HD dalam Slot Online

Xiaoyue Xu: Memetic Polaroids

Photographic images and memes seem largely irrelevant regarding their ways of circulation and their relationships with reality, with a contrast between referential and indexical, ambiguous and unambiguous. However, to what extent can memes learn from photography? What about the other way around? Photography, whether digital or analogue, retains its powerful function as a medium for social utility. The capacity of a photographic image embodies the particularity to show a specific sight, with which people identify, archive and distribute evidence of their life worlds.


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