Other News from Participating Centers

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

DSI Apéro Philo Session: Digital Wellbeing

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Talk im Turm: Göttliche Algorithmen und Putins Desinformation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Kiran Kappeler successfully defended her dissertation

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Campus Oerlikon Lecture Series: Digital Worlds

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Public Guest Lecture: Alternative Post-Digital Futures

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

Internet Use as Everyday Religion on the Rise, Cyborgization Still in its Early Stages

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

“Artificial Intelligence” in Switzerland 2024: Rapid Diffusion and Increasing Digital Inequality

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Rückblick: Talk im Turm zu Desinformation und Algorithmen

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

Michael Reiss successfully defended his cumulative dissertation  

27.3.2025 CIS #44 Nadia Guerouaou

Anthropotechnie des affects : paramétrage et façonnement émotionnel à l’ère de l’IA générative. Modélisation du cas du filtre vocal émotionnel.
L’article 27.3.2025 CIS #44 Nadia Guerouaou est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Why Did Lebanon’s Telecom Ministry Block Mobile Operators’ E-Wallets?

Since 2019, Lebanon’s Central Bank (Banque du Liban) has granted licenses to 19 financial companies to launch e-wallets. However, contrary to the global model, Lebanon’s two local telecom operators, Alfa and touch, have not been among them.

Syria: Authorities Threaten Social Media Users and Confiscate Starlink Devices

Since the fall of the regime in Syria last December, the new government has issued statements about mechanisms to “develop” telecommunications, internet services, and social media.

Three months following a dramatic shift in Syria’s landscape, how is the situation today regarding the telecommunications sector, internet access, and online freedom of expression?

Intelligence Directorate Threatens Social Media Users

Fulbright Guest Lecture: American History and the Secret Life of Medicinal Plants: Archives, Ethnobotany, and Environmental Justice by Prof. Dr. Claudia Ford

About the presenter:

einBLICK: Nachrichten aus der JMU

Studierende lassen Experi­ment mit Höhen­forschungs­ballon steigen - Preis für Informatikerin Borrmann - JMU für Gleich­stellung ausgezeichnet - Programm für ausländische Gäste - Liturgie der Zukunft

Open Data Day 2025 – Activities & Impact Report

Last Friday, we wrapped up another edition of Open Data Day with the feeling that despite recent backlashes and new structural and geopolitical challenges to open data and technologies, the open data community remains active and resilient in every corner of the planet.

Open Call: Practice partners sought for generative AI case studies in marketing and human resources

Are you already using AI in your organisation for HR or marketing? Then be part of the research and take part in our case study!
The post Open Call: Practice partners sought for generative AI case studies in marketing and human resources appeared first on HIIG.

Apa yang Membuat Slot Online Bertema Sejarah Menarik?

Elemen Kunci dalam Slot Bertema Sejarah

Nachweis eines neuen Phänomens: Quanten-Tornados im Impulsraum

Elektronen können in einem Quantenmaterial Wirbel ausbilden. Das allein ist nicht neu. Dass die kleinen Teilchen sich allerdings im Impulsraum zu einem Tornado formieren, wurde erst jetzt experimentell bewiesen. Dieser Erfolg gelang einem internationalen Forschungsteam um Dr. Maximilian Ünzelmann, Gruppenleiter am Exzellenzcluster ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter der Universitäten Würzburg und Dresden. Mit dem Nachweis dieses Quantenphänomens wurde ein neuer Meilenstein in der Erforschung von Quantenmaterialien erreicht.

Panel discussion & book launch event : “Untangling the EU Artificial Intelligence Act: Implementation & enforcement progress report”

FWO-podcast met dr. Christof Koolen over de duistere kant van slimme apparaten