Other News from Participating Centers

Against Automation, Towards Joy: DMRC Summer School welcomes keynote, Catherine Knight Steele

Last night, we were are thrilled to be joined by Catherine Knight Steele, Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Maryland USA, Director of the Black Communication and Technology lab (BCaT), and our feature keynote presenter at the DMRC 2025 Summer School.

Lebanon’s telecom feud disrupts SMS verification system

“I tried downloading both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business, but I never received the verification codes,” said Rima, who recently purchased a sim card from Alfa.

Subscribers to Lebanon’s two mobile service providers, Alfa and Touch, have been experiencing difficulties receiving verification codes via SMS—codes that are crucial for activating accounts on platforms like WhatsApp, X (formerly Twitter), and others.

Future-Proof Transparency: Rethinking Public Records Governance for the Age of Big Data

Too Accurate AI

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The great illusion - Unexpected consequences of state digitization

Today, Christian R. Ulbrich and Bruno S. Frey published a full-page article in the NZZ. Based on the digital dynamics, they shed light on the reasons for the lack of productivity and efficiency gains through digitalization. The article can be inspected here.

OUT NOW! TOD56 | Nguyen Thi Thanh Tra: Chronicles of the Cyber Village: Colonialism and Advertising in the Age of AI

Chronicles of the Cyber Village: Colonialism and Advertising in the Age of AI
By Nguyen Thi Thanh Tra

What could German digital policy look like after the Bundestag election?

What are the digital policy positions of Germany's parties for the 2025 Bundestag election?
The post What could German digital policy look like after the Bundestag election? appeared first on HIIG.

Welcoming delegates and speakers from across the globe for day 1 of the 2025 DMRC Summer School

Today we kicked off day one of a three-day program featuring inspiring and thought-provoking training by world leading researchers at the 2025 DMRC Summer School. The Summer School creates opportunities to build career long connections with digital media researchers, including international delegates and speakers from across the globe.

With over 65 delegates in attendance, today’s sessions explored a diverse range of topics, from the evolving debate around children’s social media bans to an interactive, hands-on role-play focused on large language models.

Neue Details über die Insulinproduktion entschlüsselt

Im Stoffwechsel vieler Lebewesen spielt das Hormon Insulin eine zentrale Rolle. Wenn Nahrung im Überfluss vorhanden ist, fördert Insulin die Aufnahme und Speicherung von Energie. In Zeiten des Hungers hingegen wird die Insulinausschüttung reduziert; der Körper spart Energie oder macht sich auf die Suche nach alternativen Energiequellen. Für das Überleben ist es entscheidend, dass dieses System fein ausbalanciert ist. Gerät es aus dem Tritt, drohen Diabetes und andere Stoffwechselkrankheiten.

DMRC's 2025 Summer School officially underway, with Gardening Australia host, Costa Georgiadis

The 2025 DMRC Summer School is officially underway!

Meta’s Move to End Fact Checking

13.2.2025 CIS #43 Denis Roio

The Seven Sins of European Digital Identity.
L’article 13.2.2025 CIS #43 Denis Roio est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

More Great Books Freely Available in ‘Information Law Series’ Archive

Following the successful launch of the Information Law Series Archive in September 2024, ten more volumes have now been made freely available online on the IViR website.
The post More Great Books Freely Available in ‘Information Law Series’ Archive appeared first on IVIR.

Mis/Disinformation Map in Indonesia: Trust Levels and Its Impact on Democracy

Post-War Internet in Lebanon: Confusion, Exploitation, and Chaos!

Nearly two months after the ceasefire took effect in Lebanon, parts of Beirut’s southern suburbs remain without internet. The government’s management chaos and the lack of effective repair plans have only made matters worse. 

As Ogero, the only state-owned telecommunications company, and local municipalities trade blame, people have found themselves victims of exploitation by private players capitalizing on the crisis.

Stakeholders’ Perceptions, Experiences, and Recommendations on Mis/Disinformation and Information Governance in Indonesia

The Washington Post introduced AI bots for readers last year. Here’s how it’s going.

AI in the Ballot Box

A Inteligência Artificial está sendo regulada para quem?

O avanço da IA traz soluções inovadoras, mas sua implementação desenfreada levanta questões como deveres de transparência, discriminação e vigilância em massa. 

Pensando em contribuir para uma governança da IA centrada no ser humano, o LAPIN e IP.rec contribuiram ao Grupo de Trabalho da ONU sobre Empresas e Direitos Humanos, abordando os riscos e desafios da IA sob a lente dos Princípios Orientadores da ONU.

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