Other News from Participating Centers

AI Border Surveillance Tech Profits Soar, Human Rights Across the Board Sink

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Why access rights to platform data for researchers restrict, not promote, academic freedom

New German and EU digital laws grant researchers access rights to platform data, but narrow definitions of research risk undermining academic freedom.
The post Why access rights to platform data for researchers restrict, not promote, academic freedom appeared first on HIIG.

Dual Book Launch @Framer Framed of System of Systems’ Managing Displacement Series

12 Dec 2024 18:00 – 20:00, Framer Framed, Oranje-Vrijstaatkade 71, Amsterdam
On 12 December 2024 at Framer Framed, System of Systems launches the first two books in their Managing Displacement series: Outsourcing and Extraction. System of Systems is a research project that analyses the bureaucratic, spatial, and technological conditions shaping Europe’s migration landscape.

Algorithms Are Coming for Democracy—but It's Not All Bad

Project “Presight”: Jordanian health data under Israeli control

Jordanian MP Abdulraouf Al-Rubaihat sparked controversy after criticizing the Jordanian government’s contract with “Presight,” a project aiming to bring forward digital transformation in the Ministry

OUT NOW TOD#54 In/Convenience: Inhabiting the Logistical Surround edited by Joshua Neves and Marc Steinberg

Theory on Demand #54
In/Convenience: Inhabiting the Logistical Surround
Edited by Joshua Neves and Marc Steinberg

Digital Sovereignties in Friction

Atelier organisé dans le cadre du projet ANR DIGISOV, 5 déc. 2024, Paris.
L’article Digital Sovereignties in Friction est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

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12.12.2024 CIS #42 Sylvain Besençon

Séance annulée, reportée à une date à définir.
L’article 12.12.2024 CIS #42 Sylvain Besençon est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Opinion of the European Copyright Society on the CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II)

The latest Opinion of the European Copyright Society addresses how the concept of pastiche applies to music sampling under EU copyright law, in the context of CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II).
The post Opinion of the European Copyright Society on the CG and YN v Pelham GmbH and Others, Case C-590/23 (Pelham II) appeared first on IVIR.

How far does Article 4 of the European Media Freedom Act go in banning state surveillance of journalists?

By Jan Erik Kermer

Dr. Sofie Royer geeft toelichting bij het gebruik van AI-camera's door de politie om criminaliteit te voorspellen

Mit Verstand, Tools und KI-Kompetenz gegen Desinformation: Wie wir das Vertrauen in die Demokratie stärken

Wie beeinflusst die Verbreitung von Desinformation durch KI-gestützte Technologien unser Vertrauen in Politik und Medien? Welche Maßnahmen können wir gemeinsam gegen Desinformation ergreifen? Und wie könnte KI genutzt werden, um Desinformation wirksam zu bekämpfen? Diesen Fragen widmeten sich die „bidt Perspektiven“ mit dem Titel „Demokratie unter Druck? Wie KI und Desinformation das gesellschaftliche Vertrauen beeinflussen“. Die Kooperationsveranstaltung des bidt mit dem Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Digitales fand am 6. November 2024 in der BAdW statt.

ARC Success: DMRC researcher projects awarded in Discovery scheme

Three projects from QUT Digital Media Research Centre researchers have been awarded a combined total of more than $1.75 million in the latest Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects scheme. 
The ARC Discovery Projects scheme aims to expand knowledge base and research capacity in Australia, as well as economic, commercial, environmental, social and/or cultural benefits. 

DMRC Visitor Seminar: Professor Beth Johnson

Join us at the upcoming DMRC Visitor Seminar, led by visiting fellow, Prof. Beth Johnson, from University of Leeds, UK, who will be delving into Framing Inequalities: The Hidden Dynamics of Intersectionality in the Screens Industry.
Date: Monday 2 December
Time: 10am – 12pm, with morning tea from 10am – for catering purposes, please register here

Michèle Stanton-Jean reçoit le prix de la Conférence sur les politiques scientifiques canadiennes

Nous adressons toutes nos félicitations à Michèle Stanton-Jean, chercheure invitée au CRDP, qui a reçu le prix de la Conférence sur les politiques scientifiques canadiennes 2024.

Pierre Noreau reçoit le prix Impact – Partenariat 2024

Love Wikipedia? Get to know the nonprofit behind it

How many times did you look up something on your phone today? Did you ask ChatGPT a question? How about Alexa or Siri or a social media site? 

Receiving immediate responses is a huge benefit of how this technology has improved our lives. But it has also made it harder to sort through a flood of information to make sure we are getting the most accurate and reliable answers. The overwhelming speed of change in today’s online information ecosystem makes it more urgent to have a place for trustworthy and verified facts. 

7 reasons you should donate to Wikipedia