Other News from Participating Centers

New report: The right to trust your vote: Cybersecurity, human rights and electronic voting

Voting in elections in the past used to be done with pen and paper. But over the past decades, countries have switched to electronic voting machines (EVMs).

Relacja z konferencji DEICy 2024

W dniach 25-29 listopada 2024 r. odbyła się 4. edycja międzynarodowych spotkań brokerskich DEICy 2024 – Digital Economy, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity (Virtual edition) oraz warsztatów “Digital Economy, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity – science and practice”, organizowanych przez DELab UW oraz Enterprise Europe Network. Wydarzenie zgromadziło blisko 400 uczestników i obejmowało niemal 800 spotkań brokerskich, których celem było zacieśnienie współpracy biznesowej, technologicznej oraz badawczej w obszarze transformacji cyfrowej.

Uroczyste otwarcie i główne wystąpienia

Stephan Pölzl completes his Master’s studies

The Department of Informatics Systems congratulates Stephan Pölzl on his successful defence of his Master’s thesis and completion of his studies!

Location-aware robotic vehicles: a universal approach paves the way for a wider range of applications

Florian GunzerTo explore new terrain and perform tasks autonomously, be it in the air, on the ground or under water, robotic vehicles need to know where they are and what their surroundings are like.

Lebanon’s students battle war, displacement, and a failing education system

The outbreak of Israel’s war on Lebanon has forcibly displaced about 1.2 million people from their homes and disrupted the school year for thousands of students—for the sixth year in a row. 

Prototype Fund: a successful story of project replication within the Open Knowledge Network

On 26th November during our Open Knowledge Network monthly call Marie Kreil, co-director of the Prototype Fund at Open Knowledge Germany, and Verena Kontschieder, Project Lead for Prototype Fund at Opendata.ch (our Swiss chapter), presented the Prototype Fund in their respective countries.

Opening hours – Christmas break 2024/25

Monday, 16.12. – Friday, 20.12.2024, shorter opening hours: 08:30 – 16:00
From 21.12.2024 until 06.01.2025, the loan desk is closed; no access to the library for external users!
EXCEPTION: on these days, the library is open for all users:

[Announcement] Open Data Editor 1.2.0 stable version release

The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) is happy to announce the release of Open Data Editor (ODE) 1.2.0, now a stable open source desktop application that makes working with data easier for people with little to no technical skills.

Ein Bauplan für die Innere Uhr des Gehirns

Alle Tiere einschließlich des Menschen weisen tägliche Rhythmen in ihrer Aktivität, ihrem Schlaf, Hunger, Stoffwechsel und ihrer Fortpflanzung auf. Das System, das diese biologischen Rhythmen regelt, wird als circadiane Uhr bezeichnet. Diese Uhr steuert sämtliche Vorgänge im Körper innerhalb eines 24-Stunden-Zeitraums.

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Open Data Editor user testing: feedback from the ACIJ team

The Open Data Editor (ODE) is the new Open Knowledge Foundation’s app that makes it easier for people with little to no technical skills to work with data. Since January, it’s been developed thanks to the kind support of the Patrick J.

GRWM – in an Attempt to Deoligarchise Georgia

28th October, 2024

2 days after Georgian parliamentary elections
How to steal the elections: Georgian edition

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Borrowing during Christmas break – 11.12.2024 – 07.01.2025

To make up for shorter opening hours during the break, students and external users can borrow items from the open shelves for a longer period:

  • From Wednesday, 11.12.2024
  • a maximum of 6 items from the open shelves
  • return at the latest by Tuesday, 07.01.2025

This offer is valid for students (status 01) and external users.

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Meilenstein bei der Definition elektrischer Einheiten

In der industriellen Produktion oder in der Elektronik ist die präzise Messung des elektrischen Widerstands unerlässlich – zum Beispiel bei der Herstellung von Hightech-Sensoren, Mikrochips und Flugsteuerungen. „Hier kommt es auf exakte Daten an, denn schon kleinste Abweichungen können diese komplexen Systeme erheblich beeinträchtigen“, erklärt Charles Gould, Physikprofessor am Institut für Topologische Isolatoren der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU).

Dr. Sofie Royer in de eerste aflevering van de facultaire podcast 'Recht voor de raap'

Addressing Disinformation in the Papuan Conflict: Intersectional Actors, Strategies Motivations, and Funding Sources

Cybertroops and Public Opinion Manipulation through Social Media in Indonesia

Navigating the Influence Operations Landscape in Indonesia during the 2024 Election

Towards A Collaborative Approach to Addressing Influence Operations in Indonesia