DMRC's 2025 Summer School officially underway, with Gardening Australia host, Costa Georgiadis
The 2025 DMRC Summer School is officially underway!
The 2025 DMRC Summer School is officially underway!
The Seven Sins of European Digital Identity.
L’article 13.2.2025 CIS #43 Denis Roio est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.
Following the successful launch of the Information Law Series Archive in September 2024, ten more volumes have now been made freely available online on the IViR website.
The post More Great Books Freely Available in ‘Information Law Series’ Archive appeared first on IVIR.
Nearly two months after the ceasefire took effect in Lebanon, parts of Beirut’s southern suburbs remain without internet. The government’s management chaos and the lack of effective repair plans have only made matters worse.
As Ogero, the only state-owned telecommunications company, and local municipalities trade blame, people have found themselves victims of exploitation by private players capitalizing on the crisis.
O avanço da IA traz soluções inovadoras, mas sua implementação desenfreada levanta questões como deveres de transparência, discriminação e vigilância em massa.
Pensando em contribuir para uma governança da IA centrada no ser humano, o LAPIN e IP.rec contribuiram ao Grupo de Trabalho da ONU sobre Empresas e Direitos Humanos, abordando os riscos e desafios da IA sob a lente dos Princípios Orientadores da ONU.
Analisamos questões como:
“Why is a “women in AI” networking event needed?” was a question asked when I was co-hosting one in Brussels last year. It’s a question that occasionally comes up about efforts that aim to create space for and/or amongst women, and it’s one that needs to be understood or at least a topic of exchange. With the race to develop and regulate AI ever evolving, who is shaping these tech advancements or policy decisions is becoming increasingly important.
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Er ist das wichtigste Grundnahrungsmittel unseres Planeten, mehr als die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung ernährt sich hauptsächlich von seinen kleinen Körnern: Reis.
Wie alle Organismen kämpfen auch Reispflanzen mit den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels. Mehr Hitze und weniger Niederschlag setzen den gängigsten Sorten zu. Angesichts der Wichtigkeit für die Ernährung von Milliarden von Menschen birgt dieser Umstand ein enormes Risiko.
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Die Preisträger:innen des Landeskulturpreises 2024 | Foto: LPD Kärnten/HöherIm Bild: LH Peter Kaiser mit allen Kultur Preistrger-innen 2024
Patrick Rodler wurde am 13. Dezember 2024 neben Josef Winkler, Cristina Beretta und Franz Hartlieb mit dem Kulturpreis des Landes Kärnten geehrt.
La Chaire UNESCO, en partenariat avec la Coalition pour la diversité des expressions culturelles et l’Obvia, organise son premier Midi de la culture dans le cadre du vingtième anniversaire de la Convention sur la diversité des expressions culturelles de l’UNESCO adoptée en 2005, le 31 janvier 2025 de 12h à 13h30 en mode hybride (Local 5108 du pavillon DKN et Zoom).
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On February 4, 2025, our large reading room on level 2 will be closed from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.
The reason for this temporary closure of the reading room is an internal event of the University of Klagenfurt.
Please note: During this period, there will be no access to the media & workstations in this area as well as to group-work room 2 and smart box 4!
Our other reading rooms & services remain available to you as usual.