Other News from Participating Centers

Lyrik-Uni zum Welttag der Poesie

Lesung * Ausstellung * Musik
Tag: 21.03.2025
Feiern Sie mit uns den UNESCO-Welttag der Poesie
Peter Svetina (Slawistik)
Blake Shedd (Anglistik)
Angela Fabris (Romanistik)
Dominik Srienc (Musil-Institut)
Wo: Alpen-Adria-Universität (Aula) Klagenfurt| Celovec, Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt/Celovec
10-11 Uhr Schulkinder lesen Lyrik (Moderation: Majla Vranić)
11-12 Uhr Il sonetto carinziano (Moderation: Blake Shedd)

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Séminaire Surveillance et pouvoir

Avec Sofia Laborde (LATTS, Université Gustave Eiffel), 20 mars 2025, 18h.
L’article Séminaire Surveillance et pouvoir est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Using innovative methods to improve our understanding of the interplay between monetary policy and the economy

Nico Bekasinski/AdobestockHow can we improve the prediction of systemic risks in financial and economic crises? A new research project is developing innovative Bayesian methods to model dynamic covariances – with the aim of improving forecasts and supporting political decisions.

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Keunggulan Grafik HD dalam Slot Online

Xiaoyue Xu: Memetic Polaroids

Photographic images and memes seem largely irrelevant regarding their ways of circulation and their relationships with reality, with a contrast between referential and indexical, ambiguous and unambiguous. However, to what extent can memes learn from photography? What about the other way around? Photography, whether digital or analogue, retains its powerful function as a medium for social utility. The capacity of a photographic image embodies the particularity to show a specific sight, with which people identify, archive and distribute evidence of their life worlds.


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The University Library has licensed access to the streaming service filmfriend.at:

Did the TikTok ban go too far?

Register now for our webinar ‘From data to metadata: enhancing quality across borders’

The Evolution of Digital Age Restrictions: A Global Perspective on Youth Protection

This post is authored by Apoorva Singh. This blog provides insight into the duality of protection and autonomy in the emerging landscape of digital age restrictions, examining both children’s fundamental rights and practical safeguards.  Introduction The digital revolution has successfully and fundamentally transformed children’s lives, with online communication now embedded from their earliest years. Globally, 71 […]

Misinformation, Executive Overreach, and the Future of Free Speech: Lessons from the Kunal Kamra Case

This post is authored by Niharika Srivastava. The recent judgment in Kunal Kamra & Ors. vs. Union of India (2024) is a landmark moment for India’s evolving digital rights discourse. The Bombay High Court struck down Rule 3(1)(b)(v) of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021 for being ultra vires the […]

The Washington Post’s TikTok guy will publish a Post-produced news series on his personal channel

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Panduan Memilih Slot Online Bertema Horor yang Menarik

A Law of One’s Own: The Inefficacy of the DMCA for Non-Consensual Intimate Media

Prof. Jozefien Vanherpe over het stilte-album van Britse artiesten als protest tegen geplande AI-wetgeving

Google’s DNS Ban in Iraq Restricts Internet Freedom 

This article was prepared in collaboration with the Iraqi Network for Social Media (INSM).

The Iraqi government, through the Telecommunications and Post Company (ITPC), plans to block Google’s Domain Name System (DNS) servers ( in the country. 

How much do we support Australian-made cinema? Maybe we should take a lesson from French cinema

DMRC researchers, Dr. Ruari Elkington and Dr. Tess Van Hemert, have been investigating Australian cinemagoers’ habits and their engagement with local films. Their research highlights a significant disparity between Australian and French cinema success, with Australian films capturing only two per cent of the local box office in 2023.

‘Dark ads’ challenge truth and our democracy

Political inaction and big-tech’s reluctance to protect users leave Australians vulnerable to a murky world of digital misinformation going into the election.
The rise of ‘dark advertising’ — personalised advertisements increasingly powered by artificial intelligence that evade public scrutiny — means Australians face a murky information landscape going into the federal election.

AI data centers burn tons of energy. Can consumers and the grid adapt?

What the U.K. Wants from Apple Will Make Our Phones Less Safe