ÖH Uni KlagenfurtThe Info Days of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec, the lobby group in university politics for all students at our university, will support you on 29 and 30 January 2025 before the start of the semester with advice on all aspects of studying.
We will show you how to create your timetable in the best possible way and successfully register for courses! Find out more about the campus so that you know your way around from day one and gather information about grants and scholarships. In addition to general information, you can get tips from students from your degree programme throughout the event.
The ÖH Info Days will take place in the Aula of the University of Klagenfurt on the following dates:
- Wednesday, 29 January (9 am – 12 pm)
- Thursday, 30 January (1 – 4 pm)
Campus tours: Wednesday, 9/10/11 a.m. and Thursday, 1/2/3 p.m. The meeting point is at the stand of the Maturant:innenberatung.
If you have any questions, please contact: oeh [dot] matbe [at] aau [dot] at
Website of the Austrian Students’ Union at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec
Der Beitrag Get tips on studying at the ÖH Info Days! erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.