Other News from Participating Centers

Manifesto: Towards a Productive and Equitable Telecommunications Sector in Lebanon

We oppose treating the telecommunications sector as a means to impose indirect tax on Lebanon’s residents. We instead call for and work towards a sector that provides essential services and serves as a cornerstone of economic development and freedom of expression. To this day, successive governments and ministers of telecommunications have approached the sector as a cash cow, prioritizing personal gains while burdening the population under the harshest conditions, including the economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the recent war and its aftermath.

The Tech We Want: Reflecting on the Super Election Year 2024

On January 14th, 2025, the Open Knowledge Foundation brought together leading voices from around the world to reflect on the Super Election Year 2024, during which 3.7 billion people voted in 72 countries.

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“There’s no such thing as the enemy within.”

KKJanuary is exam time, and for many, this means a challenging phase while they struggle to find tiny sparks of motivation as they sit at their books and laptops. In recent years, Irina Andreitz, Senior Scientist at the Department of Instructional and School Development, has offered courses on motivation, primarily aimed at student teachers.

Quel avenir pour les communs numériques à l’heure des technologies d’IA ?

Podcast avec Francesca Musiani, série "Les dessous de l’IA", 19 janv. 2025.
L’article Quel avenir pour les communs numériques à l’heure des technologies d’IA ? est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

The Importance of Being Earnest

By Oscar Wilde
Cooperation between S.O.S., the student theatre group of the English and American Studies Department and the Kammerlichtspiele Klagenfurt

Disinformation fuels sectarian unrest in Syria  [Opinion]

After over half a century of oppression under the Assad regime, on December 8, 2024, Syrians awoke to a new landscape of opportunities and challenges, both on the ground and online. As celebratory chants filled the main squares of Syrian cities, an undercurrent of hate speech and disinformation swelled on social media, leading to multiple violent events across the country. 

Get tips on studying at the ÖH Info Days!

ÖH Uni KlagenfurtThe Info Days of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) at the University of Klagenfurt/Celovec, the lobby group in university politics for all students at our university, will support you on 29 and 30 January 2025 before the start of the semester with advice on all aspects of studying.

Digital Bodies, Failing Bodies and Longings: Walking Through the DDR Museum

“How Present is Wall”, reads white panel installed in the grassy park in Berlin, tightly fit with five other layers of the same design. Arranged in a zig-zag, the installation ends with: „How Strong is Border“, „How Liberation is Freedom“. None of them end with question marks.
There is one thing that strikes me the most: the middle panel, asking or stating, „How    is Longing“. It lacks an adjective. The space between interrogative adverb and present tense verb is empty; but do we really need to fill it with one word after all?, I ask myself.

Vacancy: Junior research associate (100%) - technology, law and AI/data governance

Junior researcher for DataPact project

Open science for digital transformation: CAIS becomes co-editor of Internet Policy Review journal

From now on CAIS and HIIG will co-publish the renowned open-access journal Internet Policy Review.
The post Open science for digital transformation: CAIS becomes co-editor of Internet Policy Review journal appeared first on HIIG.

Ute Schmid in der „Forschung & Lehre“ zu KI in der Bildung

In dem Artikel „Was wir 2025 noch lernen sollten“ in der Zeitschrift Forschung & Lehre erklärt Ute Schmid, Professorin für Kognitive Systeme an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg und bidt-Direktorin, wie Universitäten Künstliche Intelligenz in der Lehre einsetzen können. Es sei wichtig, dass generierte Inhalte kritisch geprüft und korrigiert werden, wozu fachliche Kompetenzen notwendig sind. Dazu muss aber geklärt werden, welche Kompetenzen unbedingt erhalten bleiben müssen, welche weniger relevant werden und welche neu dazukommen müssen.

Subdirector del Programa de Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología UC se adjudica Fondecyt de Iniciación 2025 

El profesor Matías Aránguiz, subdirector del Programa de Derecho, Ciencia y Tecnología UC, se adjudicó un Fondecyt de Iniciación 2025 con el proyecto “El principio de conservación de datos personales: directrices para la interpretación de criterios de protección y certidumbre jurídica”.

ToTok, Baz and Others: UAE and KSA Promote Unsafe Communication Apps

Since October 7, 2023, several social media applications have removed content related to Palestine. This shadowbanning, that continues until today, gave rise to several “digital protests” demanding an Arab-led social media application that allows free circulation of Palestine-related footage. 

Tech et politique

Interventions d'Olivier Alexandre (CIS-CNRS) dans les médias sur les relations entre le secteur de la tech et le monde politique.
L’article Tech et politique est apparu en premier sur Centre Internet et Société.

Carinthian Academic Championships – Padel Tennis 2024

On October 16, 2024, a premiere took place at the Padel Center Wörthersee. The first Carinthian Academic Championships in Padel Tennis were held. Under the tournament direction of Padel Tennis expert Markus PIRKER-RODRIX, the champion was determined. It was immediately noticeable that many skilled tennis players were among the participants.

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Concours de bourses Elizabeth Corte

Le CRDP a le plaisir de vous informer du lancement du concours de bourses Elisabeth Corte qui prendra fin le 1er mars 2025.

L’État, le droit et les savoirs : Pour une problématisation de l’histoire des rapports entre droit et sciences sociales au Québec

Dans le cadre du cycle de conférences Les soirées de la justice, nous vous convions à la conférence « L’État, le droit et les savoirs : Pour une problématisation de l’histoire des rapports entre droit et sciences sociales au Québec », organisée en collaboration avec la Chaire Jean-Louis Baudouin en droit civil.
Date : Mercredi, 19 février 2025
Heure : 16H30 – 18H
Lieu : Salon François-Chevrette (A-3464) + Zoom

Concours de bourses du CRDP (Hiver 2025)

Le Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP) a le plaisir de vous présenter son programme de bourses au titre de la session en cours.