KKThe Test of Time Award recognises publications that were published 10 years ago and have had a lasting and substantial impact on research in a particular specialist field. As part of the ICLP (International Conference on Logic Programming) in mid-October in Dallas/Texas, Martin Gebser (Department of Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity) was honoured for a paper that he published with co-authors in 2014.
It is rarely possible to determine which findings are of enduring and far-reaching importance for the research landscape in the immediate aftermath of their publication. In order to acknowledge papers that have proven to have a lasting impact after a decade, the so-called 10 Years Test of Time Awards were created.
One such award was presented to Martin Gebser (University of Klagenfurt), Roland Kaminski, Benjamin Kaufmann and Torsten Schaub (all three from the University of Potsdam) at the ICLP 2024. The award was conferred in recognition of the paper ‘Clingo = ASP + Control: Preliminary Report’, which proposes a general logical description language for complex search problems. Martin Gebser explains: “We use algorithms based on 0/1 variables for a range of problems such as hourly planning, production planning and logistics. In reality, however, things are far more intricate and flexible, which is why we propose a description that allows existing methods to be adapted and extended in order to map more complex processes.“
The award received for this paper also tells us a lot about the workings of the scientific community. When the four researchers submitted their paper ten years ago, it was only accepted as an abridged version. “But over time, it became apparent that the work undertaken at the time was highly relevant to research in the field of Logic Programming. Now our contribution is being recognised in retrospect, which makes us very glad,“ Martin Gebser adds.
M. Gebser, R. Kaminski, B. Kaufmann & T. Schaub (2014). Clingo = ASP + Control: Preliminary Report, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.3694. (long version at https://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/wv/publications/TEMP_journals/corr/GebserKKS14x.pdf)
Der Beitrag 10 Years Test of Time Award for a publication by Martin Gebser erschien zuerst auf University of Klagenfurt.