Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion Symposium

Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion Symposium

Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion Symposium website

Five years after an inaugural Symposium focused on structural changes and tipping points of Internet-driven developments, the Global Network of Internet and Society Research Centers (NoC) is invited to reunite as a growing global community of almost 80 Centers and meet from November 8-10, 2017 in Rio de Janeiro to identify, explore, and address the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence as we seek to build a better, more inclusive, and diverse world together. The event, co-hosted on behalf of the NoC by the Institute for Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro (ITS Rio) and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and part of the Ethics and Governance of AI initiative, will bring together representatives from the NoC Centers from around the globe as well as invited guests and collaborators from advocacy, philanthropy, media, policy, and industry to address both the opportunities and challenges of AI-based technologies through the lens of inclusion, broadly conceived. If you are a Network of Centers member, or are interested in learning more about the symposium, please email