Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS), National Research University HSE, St. Petersburg

Laboratory for Internet Studies is a team of researchers from a variety of disciplines who have come together to do a pioneering research of issues that can not be addressed from within separate braches of science.  Our mission is to study the Internet as a unique social, economic, linguistic and technical phenomenon. We also seek to learn more about the society that has “inhabited” the Internet and  found it to be one of its natural modes of existence. For these goals we develop and adapt mathematical methods, algorithms and software. All our projects  are collective and include people with various skills and of different stages in their careers – from undergrads to PhD students to mature researchers. This enhances mutual enrichment and exchange of ideas. We support creative atmosphere and peer communication in our Lab; we welcome  new initiatives and collaboration with business and policy makers and organize multiple events. The results of our effort may be found in our publications.