Open Lecture | Global Law and Religion | Exporting Religious Freedom: The American Model

Open Lecture | Global Law and Religion | Exporting Religious Freedom: The American Model16h00O Evento: No dia 9 de novembro, às 16h, a FGV Direito Rio receberá o prof. Judd Birdsall para o webinar “Exporting Religious Freedom: The American Model”. A palestra faz parte do curso ministrado pelos professores Pasquale Annicchino e Michael Freitas Mohallem, “Global Law and Religion”, e será ministrada em inglês. 
Serão oferecidas 80 vagas, preenchidas por ordem de inscrição.
Judd Birdsall is the Director of the Cambridge Institute on Religion & International Studies and the Director of the Transatlantic Policy Network on Religion and Diplomacy. He is also an Affiliated Lecturer in the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University. A former diplomat, Birdsall served in the U.S. State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom and on the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff. He was also the founding chair of the Department's Forum on Religion & Global Affairs, a leadership role for which he received a Meritorious Honor Award. Birdsall writes and speaks regularly on issues of faith and foreign policy and he is the editor-in-chief of Religion & Diplomacy. He has written numerous policy reports, his op-eds have appeared in the Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Guardian, Huffington Post (US and UK), Christianity Today, and he is an editorial fellow and a frequent contributor at The Review of Faith & International Affairs.    

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