Other News from Participating Centers

Sofie Royer over het nieuwe Strafwetboek dat vandaag in het parlement wordt gestemd

ALGEPI 1st Annual Workshop: Defining the Framework for Epistemic Welfare

CiTiP Webinar: Exploring 5 key topics under the EU AI Act – Part 2

Sofie Royer geeft toelichting over het vonnis in de zaak tegen Youtube-influencer Acid

Empowering Communities: Open Knowledge Somalia’s Open Street Mapping Workshop

Yemenis Complain about Sharing Phone Numbers with Strangers

“Why is your daughter sharing her pictures via WhatsApp?” a question directed by an employee of the YOU- Yemen Oman United telecommunication Company to a customer who visited the company’s office in Taiz to complain: his daughter’s phone number, the one she uses for WhatsApp and other social media platforms, had been sold to another person.

Advanced LLM in Technology Governance

New, advanced, multidisciplinary Legal masters (LLM) program in Technology Governance launched by the Amsterdam Law School! We invite lawyers and non-lawyers to learn together how the emerging European tech regulation framework needs to work together with non-legal forms of governance to govern platforms, AI systems, and other digital infrastructures. If you are interested in taking… Continue reading Advanced LLM in Technology Governance

ERC Advanced Grant: 2,5 Millionen Euro für Isabel Roditi

Professorin Isabel Roditi von der Universität Bern ist eine renommierte Expertin für Trypanosomen, die Erreger der Afrikanischen Schlafkrankheit. Aktuell möchte sie nachweisen, dass sich diese Parasiten in ihren Wirtsorganismen nicht zufällig verteilen, sondern dort ganz gezielt von Organ zu Organ navigieren. Sollte das stimmen, wäre es das allererste bekannte Beispiel für eine zielgerichtete Wanderung von Parasiten. Daraus könnten sich Anhaltspunkte für eine verbesserte Bekämpfung des Erregers ergeben.

Content Streaming via an Ogero App: Who benefits from OTT in Lebanon?

Last November, Lebanon’s Council of Ministers added an item to the agenda to grant Ogero, the country’s primary provider of fixed and mobile internet services, the authorization to stream over-the-top (OTT) content freely on the internet, particularly television content broadcasting in partnership with the parties that have licensed it.

Making Sense of Future(s): Images of the future of digitalisation

Can futures studies challenge the status quo beyond academia and approach public dialogue as an imaginative space for collective endeavours?
The post Making Sense of Future(s): Images of the future of digitalisation appeared first on HIIG.

CiTiP Webinar: Exploring 5 key topics under the EU AI Act

Christof Koolen over Digital Services Act en de Digital Markets Act

Open Data Editor: meet the team behind the app

As announced in January, this year the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) team is working to develop a stable version of the Open Data Editor (ODE) application. Thanks to financial support from the Patrick J.

The Republic of the Congo opts for the use of biometrics in multi-party elections

Modification du CPC en lien avec la possibilité de recourir à la vidéoconférence pour les audiences

Le 26 février 2020, le Conseil fédéral a pris acte des résultats de la consultation et a adopté le message relatif à la modification du Code de procédure civile (Amélioration de la praticabilité et de l’application du droit). Cette révision prévoit notamment la possibilité pour les tribunaux de procéder à des actes de procédure oraux en recourant à des moyens électroniques de transmission du son et de l’image. En d’autres termes, cette révision permettra de recourir à la vidéoconférence.

DMRC and GenAI Lab: Seminar – “Is This Thing On?” Large Language Models (LLMs) and the Cultural Risks of Bad Jokes

Join us at the upcoming seminar, jointly hosted by the Digital Media Research Centre and the GenAI Lab and led by guests speakers, Adam Sinnreich, Victoria Simon and Nathaniel Laywine.
Title: “Is This Thing On?” Large Language Models (LLMs) and the Cultural Risks of Bad Jokes
Date: Tuesday 25 June
Time: 9:00am – 10:15am
Location: Kelvin Grove Campus, E-557 (in person only)

ISPs can charge extra for fast gaming under FCC’s Internet rules, critics say


United States

See map: Google Maps

How to unite local initiatives for a more sustainable global future

Visite du ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux de France, M. Éric Dupond-Moretti, au Laboratoire de cyberjustice

Le Laboratoire de cyberjustice a eu l’honneur d’accueillir, le vendredi 12 avril 2024, le ministre de la Justice et Garde des sceaux de France, M. Éric Dupond-Moretti.

Opinion of the European Copyright Society on certain selected aspects of Case C-227/23, Kwantum Nederland and Kwantum België

The Berne Convention underscores the national treatment of foreign authors, allowing Union states to protect designs through various means. Article 2(7) introduces a material reciprocity test, limiting copyright protection for works of applied art not protected in their country of origin.